qmacro / SublimeUI5

Sublime Text 2 Package for SAPUI5/OpenUI5
Apache License 2.0
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Sublime Text Package for SAPUI5/OpenUI5

Basic instructions


SAPUI5 (Open Source version: OpenUI5) is a UI framework for modern HTML5 applications.

Works in Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3.

Whatever others might tell you, you don't need to use Eclipse to develop apps in SAPUI5. If, like me, you use Sublime Text, you can use this package to help you. It contains snippets and templates for UI5. For more information on Sublime Text snippets, see the snippet documentation, and for more information on templates, see the STProjectMaker plugin, which I use to power the templates. Both snippets and templates make writing code by hand easier. At least for me.


I've recorded a quick screencast to introduce you to the snippet and template usage with SublimeUI5: SublimeUI5 - Snippets & Templates for SAPUI5/OpenUI5.


There are JavaScript, HTML and XML snippets, the latter being for building views in XML. I've made a stab at organising them along the same lines as the UI5 namespaces, with extra extensions to denote language or format.

For example, the snippet for the XML view based control 'IconTabBar' is in the Snippets/sap/m/ folder and is called IconTabBar.xml.sublime-snippet. All Sublime Text snippets end with the 'sublime-snippet' extension; I've added 'xml' to denote that this one is XML, and the IconTabBar camelcasing follows the actual control name standard too.

Here's what the snippet looks like:

    <scope>text.html, source.js</scope>
    <description>sap.m.IconTabBar JS</description>
new sap.m.IconTabBar({
    items: [

You can see the actual content that will be inserted (within the <![CDATA[...]]> section) and there's a placeholder which you'll be able to tab to and enter what you want, after you've invoked the snippet. Have a look at the screencase mentioned earlier to see how snippet insertion works. The snippet is only triggered in HTML and JavaScript contexts (see the <scope/> element), and to trigger it, you type "IconTabBar" and hit the key (see the <tabTrigger/> element).

There's also, in the same folder, IconTabBar.js.sublime-snippet. That's a JavaScript equivalent.

There are also some snippets in the jQuery.sap space, notably a few 'utility' ones such as log.js.sublime-snippet, which will help you generate a jQuery.sap.log.error|warning|info|debug('...') statement.

Note that regardless of which folder or subfolder any given snippet is in, Sublime Text will find it and make it available to you.


With the STProjectMaker you can have ready-built applications created for you, having specified where it should live, and some parameters that you might want to use (to replace placeholder variables for, say, your namespace, for example).

For the time being, I've fleshed out a set of configured templates, based on various UI5 application fundamentals:

With this I've come up with short codes based on the letters above. The first couple of templates that I've created and made available as a first go are:

Documentation on how to use the templates is coming soon!