qrohlf / lair

Deploy with style
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Lair is the simplest way to install a Heroku-like environment on your own box

demo video

Lair is a Platform as a Service provider that you can install on your server or development machine with a single command.

Lair lets you get your latest code up and running with a simple git push, and even includes a realtime activity monitor, so you can see what's going on under the hood, from the comfort of your browser.

Basically, Lair is your own personal Heroku-in-a-box.



There are three ways to install Lair:

Each of these methods is explained below

Installing on a Server with bootstrap.sh

Before installing Lair on your server, make sure your server environment is supported. Lair is built and tested using an Ubuntu 12.04.4 x64 DigitalOcean Droplet, but it should work on any server provided you're running a fresh copy of Ubuntu 13.04 or 12.04 x64 (13.10 is not supported due to a known issue with docker).

To install Lair, ssh into your server and run the installer:

curl -s https://raw.github.com/qrohlf/lair/master/bootstrap.sh | sudo DOMAIN='yourdomain.com' bash

Once Lair finishes installing, head over to http://yourdomain.com to deploy your first app!

Installing Locally with Vagrant

First, make sure you have Vagrant and Virtualbox installed on your machine.

Then, clone the repo and start Vagrant:

git clone https://github.com/qrohlf/lair.git
cd lair
vagrant up

Once Lair finishes installing, head over to http://lair.local to deploy your first app!

Installing Manually

Lair is really just a collection of Puppet scripts and modules, so it should be really easy to get it working on any machine that has puppet installed.

Assuming you have Puppet already installed, all you need to do to get Lair up and running is:

export DOMAIN='yourdomain.com'
git clone https://github.com/qrohlf/lair
cd lair
./set-fqdn.sh $DOMAIN
FACTER_fqdn="$DOMAIN" puppet apply --modulepath modules --manifestdir manifests manifests/site.pp

Once Lair finishes installing, head over to http://yourdomain.com to deploy your first app!

Deploying to Lair

SSH Key Setup

You'll need to add an ssh key to Lair for each machine you want to deploy from. You'll only need to run this command once per machine.
(note: run this on your development machine - not on the server)

cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub |ssh you@yourdomain.com "sudo sshcommand acl-add dokku '$USER@$HOSTNAME'"

If you're using Lair locally with Vagrant, run this command instead:

cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub |ssh -i ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key -p 2222 vagrant@localhost "sudo sshcommand acl-add dokku '$USER@$HOSTNAME'"

Pushing Changes with Git

First, add a git remote pointing to Lair (this only needs to be done once per repo). Replace yourdomain.com with your domain, or lair.local if you're running Lair locally.

git remote add lair dokku@yourdomain.com:subdomain 

Then, whenever you have changes to deploy just push them to the lair remote:

# make some changes to your app
git commit -m "awesome new feature"
git push lair master
# that's it!


Lair is actually just a bundle that brings together several excellent tools into one environment. The following people and tools do most of the heavy lifting:


See the Lair Wiki for help with troubleshooting.


Pull requests are welcome! Fork Lair on Github