qsdfo / musicxml_parser

Python MusicXML parser to load mxml files as a pianoroll representation. The pianoroll i
21 stars 6 forks source link

MusicXML parser


pip install musicxml_parser


from musicxml_parser.scoreToPianoroll import scoreToPianoroll
score_path = "test.xml"
quantization = 16
pianoroll, articulation = scoreToPianoroll(score_path, quantization)

Description :

Music XML parser written in Python based on a SAX analyzer. Given a mxml file, outputs two dictionaries indexed by instruments names:

Packages dependencies :


The main function is ScoreToPianoroll in ScoreToPianoroll.py It takes as input the path to a MusicXML file and output two python dictionnary of the form :

{'track_name' : matrix}

where matrix is two-dimensional, first axis begin the time, second the pitch.