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Quadratic | Technical Spreadsheet with Python, SQL, and AI
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data data-analysis data-engineering data-science etl python quadratic spreadsheet sql wasm webgl

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quadratic icon small The technical multiplayer spreadsheet, with Python, SQL, and AI

Modern multiplayer spreadsheet with Python, AI, and SQL built-in.

Built with Rust + WASM + WebGL to run seamlessly at 60+ FPS in the browser.

Analyze data the developer way and share results the spreadsheet way.

Quadratic in a standalone macOS window; users are working together on a spreadsheet to measure the life expectancy in Canada.

Production build

The main branch is live for individuals and teams to use.

Try it out! ⟶ https://app.quadratichq.com


Read the documentation ⟶ https://docs.quadratichq.com

What is Quadratic?

Quadratic is a web-based spreadsheet application for technical users.

Our goal is to build a spreadsheet that enables you to pull your data from its source (SaaS, database, CSV, API, etc) and then work with that data using any popular programming language (Python, SQL, JS, Formulas, etc).

What can I do with Quadratic?

Development progress and roadmap

Quadratic is in Beta.

Feature request or bug report? Submit a Github Issue.

Want to contribute? Read our Contributing Guide.

Want to learn more about how Quadratic works? Read the How Quadratic Works doc.


Example sheets - Examples

Quadratic is hiring

Check out our open roles ⟶ careers.quadratichq.com