quanghuy0497 / Mask_R-CNN

A modified version of Mask R-CNN based on Matterport's version. Featuring: polygon annotating mask generation and k-fold cross-validation training.
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instance-segmentation mask-rcnn object-detection

Mask R-CNN for Object Detection and Segmentation

This is an implementation of Mask R-CNN on Python 3, Keras, and TensorFlow based on Matterport's version. The model generates bounding boxes and segmentation masks for each instance of an object in the image, with Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) + ResNet-101 as backbones.



It is recommended to organize the dataset folder, testing image/video folder and model weight under same folder as the below structure:

├── notebooks                                 # several notebooks from Matterport's Mask R-CNN
├── dataset                                   # place the dataset here
│   └── <dataset_name>              
│       ├── train
│       │   ├── <image_file 1>                # accept .jpg or .jpeg file
│       │   ├── <image_file 2>
│       │   ├── ...
│       │   └── via_export_json.json          # corresponded single annotation file, must be named like this
│       ├── val
│       └── test         
├── logs                                      # log folder
├── mrcnn                                     # model folder
├── test                                      # test folder
│   ├── image
│   └── video
├── trained_weight                            # pre-trained model and trained weight folder
|   ...
├── environment.yml                           # environment setup file
├── README.md
├── dataset.py                                # dataset configuration
├── evaluation.py                             # weight evaluation
└── training.py                               # training model


Annotation format:

Annotated image for this implementation is created by VGG Image Annotator with format structure:

{ 'filename': '<image_name>.jpg',
           'regions': {
               '0': {
                   'region_attributes': {},
                   'shape_attributes': {
                       'all_points_x': [...],
                       'all_points_y': [...],
                       'name': <class_name>}},
               ... more regions ...
           'size': <image_size>
