As the subject: it is not an issue in code but mainly a discussion on the consequence of odd number of occupied bands
I am studying the case of 2D single layer MnBi2Te4 (a magnetic TI in bulk but not a TI in single-layer limit) and want to calculate topological indices for the single layer only or odd no of layers (3L, 5L).
The wannier-projected BS of 1L nicely match to DFT result with 29 occupied bands and 17 unoccupied bands (total 46 bands and projections). Having the FL at 0 eV, while the Chern No calculation gives zero regardless of the choice of Nk1, Nk2, the Z2 no (for K3:0/0.5) is changing for the change in Nk1, Nk2.
I am wondering how one should understand this change owing to the odd no of occupied bands (29 in 1L, 87 in 3L and so on).
Please check the No of occupied bands, it could be 28 instead of 29 since the indices shown in the Xmgrace sometimes starts from 0, sometimes starts from 1.
As the subject: it is not an issue in code but mainly a discussion on the consequence of odd number of occupied bands I am studying the case of 2D single layer MnBi2Te4 (a magnetic TI in bulk but not a TI in single-layer limit) and want to calculate topological indices for the single layer only or odd no of layers (3L, 5L). The wannier-projected BS of 1L nicely match to DFT result with 29 occupied bands and 17 unoccupied bands (total 46 bands and projections). Having the FL at 0 eV, while the Chern No calculation gives zero regardless of the choice of Nk1, Nk2, the Z2 no (for K3:0/0.5) is changing for the change in Nk1, Nk2. I am wondering how one should understand this change owing to the odd no of occupied bands (29 in 1L, 87 in 3L and so on).