quantadex / distributed_quanta_bridge

The distributed version of the quanta bridge
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Deploy LTC, BCH to testnet #42

Open quocble opened 5 years ago

quocble commented 5 years ago

Deploying testnet will provide us a safe environment to perform integration testing with the existing setup and help us prepare for mainnet deployment

quocble commented 5 years ago

go to litecoin docker directory

run :

docker login
docker tag litecoin-core quantalabs/litecoin-core:latest
docker push quantalabs/litecoin-core:latest
quocble commented 5 years ago

Faucet: https://faucet.xblau.com/

quocble commented 5 years ago

explorer: https://testnet.litecore.io/ https://chain.so/testnet/ltc