quantadex / distributed_quanta_bridge

The distributed version of the quanta bridge
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QUANTA Crosschain

The project is part of the QuantaDEX whitepaper.


The crosschain facilities the bridging of ETH/BTC/BCH/LTC to/from quanta blockchain (PoS fork of Bitshares). It is a distributed network of nodes, each indexing the host blockchain (Quanta), and the counter blockchains. When each of the nodes observes the transaction matching addresses to Quanta, or outgoing, it will record the transaction and broadcast to the network. Via a pBFT consensus protocol (CoSI), the network decides whether to issue or redeem the asset.

Directory Structure

├── blockchain                  # BTC/ETH/BCH/LTC Nodes directory
├── cli                         # executables for each of the network
├── common                      # common data structure, utilities, math, logging, metrics, messages
│   ├── consensus               # consensus protocol (CoSi)
├── node                        # REST API node, trust node
├── registrar                   # Registrar responsible for registering/bootstrapping the node
├── trust
│   ├── coin                    # coin specific implementation for indexing data
│   ├── control                 # control code (coin2quanta, quanta2coin) to index block by block, broadcasting, and handling events
│   ├── db                      # database layer (postgres)
│   ├── key_manager             # all key management related functions for each of the blockchain
│   ├── peer_contact            # peer client for http communications with the network
│   ├── quanta                  # quanta blockchain (graphene PoS), and Stellar implementation   
│   ├── registrar_client        # registrar client for handling bootstrapping nodes    
└── README.md


cd cli/ethereum && go build
./ethereum -config ../../node/ropsten/node1.yml  # run for each node

cd node && go build
./node -config ropsten/node1.yml # run for each node
docker run --name bitcoind -v "$PWD/bitcoin-data:/data" nicolasdorier/docker-bitcoin:0.17.0 bitcoind -testnet -deprecatedrpc=signrawtransaction -txindex -deprecatedrpc=accounts

Stopping node

docker-compose  stop crosschain1

## Pull latest
$(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region us-east-1)
docker pull 691216021071.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/quanta-bridge:latest

## Restart all dockers
docker-compose  up --force-recreate --build -d crosschain_eth
docker-compose  up --force-recreate --build -d crosschain_btc
docker-compose  up --force-recreate --build -d crosschain1

Get logs

docker-compose logs -f crosschain1 docker-compose logs -f crosschain_eth docker-compose logs -f crosschain_btc

ETH Forwarding Contract Deployed: https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0x2255866778b5fc0e1d416b93d71d9a42c2fb66b9493cf20a40085f3aacaf8dc2

Contract: 0x21b2d8f88f5d60f28739ebeefc09220687ff00f1 Forwards: 0xBD770336fF47A3B61D4f54cc0Fb541Ea7baAE92d QUANTA Addr: QDIX3EOMEWN7OLZ3BEIN5DE7MCVSAP6547FFM3FFITQSTFXWUK4XA2NB (test2)

Test deposits:

0.1234 ETH to 0x21b2d8f88f5d60f28739ebeefc09220687ff00f1 TX: https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0x8784265b4f2aa6c6460cc8bf3be46fb4d269a4d00c099bd205a4ae1ad1b96138

Test Withdrawal

lumen pay 0.10 TETH --from test2 --to issuer --memohash MHhiYTc1NzNDMGU4MDVlZjcxQUNCN2YxYzRhNTVFN2IwYWY0MTZFOTZB

Sends back to : 0xba7573C0e805ef71ACB7f1c4a55E7b0af416E96A

Truffle Contract Interaction Tips
