We need to let users know when the deposit has come in because it is an asynchronous behavior. Letting them know in timing manner, they can take action like trading, and build trust with the user.
We'll design it as a [ Source ] -->[Process]-> [Sink] model so it decouples with the crosschain itself.
The source in this case is the rest api to get the history. /api/history
The process is the code that that tracks whether it needs to send the notifications.
The sink is the location where the data is being sent to. Email is the primary sink, but we need to support push notification as well if the user uses the app. Telegram might be a good alternative way the user as well.
call rest api at last_cursor
loop through data {
check if deposit/withdrawal was previously sent
if not sent {
send to each sink.
catch error properly so that this loop this not break.
throw exception if it's fatal such as connection failure to the sinks api.
mark the tx as sent. (type, tx, blockhash)
The application is stateless. States information such as cursor & history data must be stored in a remote database. We can use dynamodb or postgres for this purpose.
We need to let users know when the deposit has come in because it is an asynchronous behavior. Letting them know in timing manner, they can take action like trading, and build trust with the user.
We'll design it as a [ Source ] -->[Process]-> [Sink] model so it decouples with the crosschain itself.
http://faculty.babson.edu/dewire/Readings/dfddiag.htm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webhook https://robinhood.engineering/thorn-easy-webhooks-for-python-82a78e170bdb https://stripe.com/docs/webhooks https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/webhooks/v1/#webhooks_post
The source in this case is the rest api to get the history. /api/history
The process is the code that that tracks whether it needs to send the notifications.
The sink is the location where the data is being sent to. Email is the primary sink, but we need to support push notification as well if the user uses the app. Telegram might be a good alternative way the user as well.
The application is stateless. States information such as cursor & history data must be stored in a remote database. We can use dynamodb or postgres for this purpose.
Retry logic
Email API
Refer to SES email credentials
Push notification API
Refer to Android push notification API. Requires a push registration API.
This is to be run every 5 minutes as a job. Make this flexible so that it can be deployed on Lambda scheduled services.