quantadex / distributed_quanta_bridge

The distributed version of the quanta bridge
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investigate issue with external not getting picked up #58

Open quocble opened 5 years ago

quocble commented 5 years ago


shahpoo415 commented 5 years ago

Can't seem to find transactions with the mentioned hashes on the external blockchain

quocble commented 5 years ago

Account is ling182

this is easier to find


shahpoo415 commented 5 years ago

The transaction did go through ETH : https://etherscan.io/tx/0x3f85b022116aed2f00f359eb149372e05650968be2be4964380c7f5bc4fc79b3 BTC: https://live.blockcypher.com/btc/tx/dc35cf5af7fd07d9202659d18d8a66197dae63a041518231d0ff02b1b2fc40a8/

quocble commented 5 years ago


It went through as a smart contract transfer. Just message them

shahpoo415 commented 5 years ago

Where should I message them?

quocble commented 5 years ago

I messaged them. Will include if i get more like this.