quantumtunneling / T-Digest.NET

.NET Implementation of the T-Digest quantile estimation algorithm. Useful for calculating Quantiles or Percentiles from streaming data, or data-sets that are too large to store in memory and sort, which is required to calculate the true quantile.
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.NET Implementation of the relatively new T-Digest quantile estimation algorithm. Useful for calculating highly accurate Quantiles or Percentiles from on-line streaming data, or data-sets that are too large to store in memory and sort, which is required to calculate the true quantile.

The Nuget package for this Implementation can be found here

The T-Digest white paper can be found here

Example Code:

using StatsLib;

Random r = new Random();
TDigest digest = new TDigest();

for (var i=0; i<1000000; i++) {
    var value = r.nextDouble();

var median = digest.Quantile(.5);
var n99th = digest.Quantile(.99);
var n999th = digest.Quantile(.999);