quarkusio / quarkus-buildpacks

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Builder Image doesn't work for Gradle Project #18

Open rohanKanojia opened 1 month ago

rohanKanojia commented 1 month ago

I was looking into buildpacks-related support for Quarkus in context of https://github.com/eclipse-jkube/jkube/issues/2460

I found codejive/buildpacks-quarkus-builder:jvm builder image which seems to generate a working container image for Quarkus projects. It generates a correct image for maven projects. However, when I configure JKube to use codejive/buildpacks-quarkus-builder:jvm buildpack builder image it fails with this error:

k8s: jvm: Pulling from codejive/buildpacks-quarkus-builder
k8s: Digest: sha256:58aac8d364c66cc405f858228c544c3f1d50abdfc126cdbaf4e1d768fd2eb3aa
k8s: Status: Image is up to date for codejive/buildpacks-quarkus-builder:jvm
k8s: jvm: Pulling from codejive/buildpacks-quarkus-run
k8s: Digest: sha256:bafcfd82a17b9a2ce0432f8d9c127fcc0177a598c5ead8969a998217adfe3fa7
k8s: Status: Image is up to date for codejive/buildpacks-quarkus-run:jvm
k8s: 0.13.1: Pulling from buildpacksio/lifecycle
k8s: Digest: sha256:f2cb410c8e204e6d2c6d86b1a171862595d8dccefc35197804eff09ab9221219
k8s: Status: Image is up to date for buildpacksio/lifecycle:0.13.1
k8s: ===> ANALYZING
k8s: ===> DETECTING
k8s: [detector] ERROR: No buildpack groups passed detection.
k8s: [detector] ERROR: Please check that you are running against the correct path.
k8s: [detector] ERROR: failed to detect: no buildpacks participating

Here is a reproducer project https://github.com/rohankanojia-forks/quarkus-buildpacks-builder-image-reproducer for your reference. You can produce this issue using Quarkus BuildPacks extension too.

Are there any plans to support gradle? Or perhaps I'm using wrong image for gradle project? Any kind of feedback would be greatly appreciated.

BarDweller commented 1 month ago

The builder image created by this project only handles maven based quarkus projects.

This repo represents an early exploration effort to using buildpacks with quarkus, which wasn't developed further, as efforts went into getting Paketo to work instead.

The detect/build scripts for the contained buildpacks are fairly simple, and shouldn't be too tricky to create gradle equivalents of if you really wanted to head in that direction, but if you are looking to find a better builder image, try the Paketo UBI Builder image available in dockerhub at paketocommunity/builder-ubi-base