quarkusio / quarkus-buildpacks

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Quarkus Buildpacks

This are some WIP build stacks for building Quarkus applications using supported images like Red Hat OpenJDK and Red Hat Quarkus builder (Mandrel).


To use buildpacks the pack command is needed, see the instructions here on how to install it: https://buildpacks.io/docs/tools/pack/

MacOS users will also need to install coreutils using something like brew install coreutils.

Creating Buildpacks

To install the build packs run clone this repo and run the create-buildpacks.sh script.

How to build for Quarkus JVM

To test the buildpack for Quarkus using the JVM run this:

pack build quarkus-jvm-test-app --path apps/quarkus-sample-app --builder codejive/buildpacks-quarkus-builder:jvm

How to build for Quarkus Native

To test the buildpack for Quarkus compiling to native code run this:

pack build quarkus-native-test-app --path apps/quarkus-sample-app --builder codejive/buildpacks-quarkus-builder:native

Running the image

After having built the image with one of the commands above you can simply run them, eg:

docker run -it --rm quarkus-jvm-test-app


docker run -it --rm quarkus-native-test-app


The information for creating buildpacks comes from:
