quarkusio / search.quarkus.io

Search backend for Quarkus websites
Apache License 2.0
0 stars 6 forks source link

= Quarkus.io Search

A Quarkus-powered application that allows full-text search in websites of the Quarkus organization such as https://quarkus.io.

[[architecture]] == Architecture

The application is deployed on an OpenShift cluster, next to an OpenSearch instance.

It fetches the sources from quarkus.io and localized variants (pt.quarkus.io, ...) to index them, and exposes the search feature through a REST API.

The webpage at https://quarkus.io/guides calls that API to perform search.

// Source if you need to make changes: // https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVNtX8LlY=/?share_link_id=204315078797

image::architecture.png[Architecture diagram]

[[development]] == Development

[[development-sample]] === Using the built-in quarkus.io sample


By default, this will use a <<testing,small sample of quarkus.io included in this repository>>, which has the advantage of being faster to index on startup, but is incomplete.

To index the actual data, see <>.

To launch the application in dev mode:


quarkus dev


./mvnw quarkus:dev

Then head over to to try the service.

[[development-full]] === Using the actual quarkus.io data

To use the actual quarkus.io data without downloading it on each startup, you should clone the https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkusio.github.io[quarkus.io repository] manually and add a .env file to your working directory:


_DEV_QUARKUSIO_GIT_URI=file:/home/myself/path/to/quarkusio.github.io _DEV_QUARKUSIO_LOCALIZED_JA_GIT_URI=file:/home/myself/path/to/ja.quarkus.io _DEV_QUARKUSIO_LOCALIZED_ES_GIT_URI=file:/home/myself/path/to/es.quarkus.io _DEV_QUARKUSIO_LOCALIZED_PT_GIT_URI=file:/home/myself/path/to/pt.quarkus.io _DEV_QUARKUSIO_LOCALIZED_CN_GIT_URI=file:/home/myself/path/to/cn.quarkus.io

Avoid reindexing on startup if indexes already contain data.

You can remove this if you're fine with waiting a few minutes on each live reload.


Then the application will use data from that clone when indexing on startup.

If you also intend to run quarkus.io locally, and want links of search hits to redirect to your local instance of quarkus.io, you should also add this property:



By default, in dev mode, any parsing/indexing warnings and errors are going to be simply logged. But in case you want to get index errors reported to a GitHub issue, next properties should be added: [source,properties]


see about tokens https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/managing-your-personal-access-tokens


[[testing]] == Testing

Testing (and, by default <<development,dev mode>>) will use a small sample of quarkus.io included in this repository at src/test/resources/quarkusio-sample.zip (alongside with the localized site samples such as quarkusio-sample-cn.zip, quarkusio-sample-es.zip, quarkusio-sample-ja.zip, quarkusio-sample-pt.zip).

This sample must itself be a git repository, so generating it can get technical.

Fortunately, there is a tool included in this project to generate the sample. To update the sample:

[[production]] == Production

=== OpenShift configuration

The production environment uses OpenShift. You can generate the OpenShift configuration by running this:


quarkus build -DskipTests


./mvnw package -DskipTests

The generated file will be in target/kubernetes/openshift.yml.

=== Running it with podman

If you want to start a (production) container locally with podman, you can build one with the following command:


quarkus build -DskipTests -Dquarkus.container-image.build=true


./mvnw install -DskipTests -Dquarkus.container-image.build=true

Then start it this way:


podman pod create -p 8080:8080 -p 9000:9000 -p 9200:9200 --name search.quarkus.io

Start multiple OpenSearch containers

podman container run -d --name search-backend-0 --pod search.quarkus.io \ --cpus=2 --memory=2g \ -e "node.name=search-backend-0" \ -e "discovery.seed_hosts=localhost" \ -e "cluster.initial_cluster_manager_nodes=search-backend-0,search-backend-1,search-backend-2" \ -e "OPENSEARCH_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms1g -Xmx1g" \ -e "DISABLE_SECURITY_PLUGIN=true" \ -e "cluster.routing.allocation.disk.threshold_enabled=false" \ opensearch-custom:latest podman container run -d --name search-backend-1 --pod search.quarkus.io \ --cpus=2 --memory=2g \ -e "node.name=search-backend-1" \ -e "discovery.seed_hosts=localhost" \ -e "cluster.initial_cluster_manager_nodes=search-backend-0,search-backend-1,search-backend-2" \ -e "OPENSEARCH_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms1g -Xmx1g" \ -e "DISABLE_SECURITY_PLUGIN=true" \ -e "cluster.routing.allocation.disk.threshold_enabled=false" \ opensearch-custom:latest podman container run -d --name search-backend-2 --pod search.quarkus.io \ --cpus=2 --memory=2g \ -e "node.name=search-backend-2" \ -e "discovery.seed_hosts=localhost" \ -e "cluster.initial_cluster_manager_nodes=search-backend-0,search-backend-1,search-backend-2" \ -e "OPENSEARCH_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms1g -Xmx1g" \ -e "DISABLE_SECURITY_PLUGIN=true" \ -e "cluster.routing.allocation.disk.threshold_enabled=false" \ opensearch-custom:latest

Then the app; this will fetch the actual data on startup (might take a while):

podman container run -it --rm --name search.quarkus.io --pod search.quarkus.io search-quarkus-io:999-SNAPSHOT

OR, if you already have locals clones of *.quarkus.io:

(you might need to run quarkus dev with those repos first to get them all in sync)

REPOS_DIR=$HOME/path/to/dir/containing/repos podman container run -it --rm --name search.quarkus.io --pod search.quarkus.io \ --cpus=1 --memory=1g \ -v $REPOS_DIR/quarkusio.github.io:/mnt/quarkus.io:ro,z \ -v $REPOS_DIR/cn.quarkus.io:/mnt/cn.quarkus.io:ro,z \ -v $REPOS_DIR/es.quarkus.io:/mnt/es.quarkus.io:ro,z \ -v $REPOS_DIR/ja.quarkus.io:/mnt/ja.quarkus.io:ro,z \ -v $REPOS_DIR/pt.quarkus.io:/mnt/pt.quarkus.io:ro,z \ -e INDEXING_ERROR_REPORTING_TYPE=log \ -e GITHUB_OAUTH=ignored \ -e GITHUB_STATUS_ISSUE_ID=1 \ -e QUARKUSIO_GIT_URI=file:/mnt/quarkus.io \ -e QUARKUSIO_LOCALIZED_CN_GIT_URI=file:/mnt/cn.quarkus.io \ -e QUARKUSIO_LOCALIZED_ES_GIT_URI=file:/mnt/es.quarkus.io \ -e QUARKUSIO_LOCALIZED_JA_GIT_URI=file:/mnt/ja.quarkus.io \ -e QUARKUSIO_LOCALIZED_PT_GIT_URI=file:/mnt/pt.quarkus.io \ search-quarkus-io:999-SNAPSHOT

[[deployment]] == Deployment

=== Current process

Maintainers can review the application and update configuration/secrets on the OpenShift console.

There are two namespaces containing two separate deployments at the moment:

Deployment will happen automatically when pushing to the relevant branch.

Be careful about which configuration you change in the UI, as deployment may overwrite part of the topology.

=== Setting it up

Most of the process is automated, but if you need to deploy to a new cluster, you will need to set up a few things manually:

  1. Service account for GitHub Actions deployment. The account credentials (username/token) need to be registered as GitHub Actions secrets, as well as the cluster URI. See .github/workflows/deploy.yml.
  2. Namespace The OpenShift namespace needs to be registered as a GitHub Actions environment variable. See .github/workflows/deploy.yml.
  3. Config maps and secrets. search-quarkus-io-config:: Environment variables for the application. + Put in there whatever configuration you need for your specific cluster. + In particular:
    • GITHUB_STATUS_ISSUE_ID: The number of an issue on quarkusio/search.quarkus.io where indexing status should be reported. See indexing.error-reporting.github configuration properties for more details. search-quarkus-io-secret:: Secret environment variables for the application.
    • Put in there whatever secret configuration you need for your specific cluster.

    • In particular:

    • GITHUB_OAUTH: a GitHub token that allows commenting/reopening/closing a GitHub issue on quarkusio/search.quarkus.io. See indexing.error-reporting.github configuration properties for more details. search-backend-config:: Environment variables for the OpenSearch instances.
    • Put in there whatever configuration you need for your specific cluster. search-backend-secret:: Secret environment variables for the OpenSearch instances.

    • Put in there whatever secret configuration you need for your specific cluster.

[[license]] == License

This project is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.

The web assets in src/main/resources/web are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.