quarree100 / qScope_frontend

Code for the projection of Q-Scope/CityScope@QUARREE100
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Code für die Projektion und Interaktion via Tangible User Interface des Q-Scope-Setups (basierend auf dem MIT-CityScope-Projekt) in QUARREE100.


q100viz is based on pygame.

Find some documentation at q-scope.readthedocs.io/

Before you can run the sketch, you need to install required packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Geodata sources are expected to be found in the data directory. Create it (if it does not exist) and make the basemap image and shapefiles available. Check the file paths in config.py.

Run the sketch:

python run_q100viz.py



Recommended folder structure

project qScope
│   └───modified MIT CityScoPy Token Tag Decoder
|   └───outputs
|      └───output_[timestamp]
|         (simulation-specific output)
|         └───buildings_clusters_[timestamp].csv
|         (exportierte Gebäudeliste von Frontend)
|         └───simulation_parameters_[timestamp].xml
|         (xml-Datei mit allen Simulationsparametern zum Starten des headless modes)
|         └───connections
|         |       Export der Anschlussquoten
|         └───emissions
|         |      gebäudespezifische und aggregierte Quartiersemissionen
|         └───snapshot
|               von GAMA produzierte Grafiken
│   │   GAMA workspace folder
│   └───q100
│       │   Trend Model
│       └───models
|       │    └───qscope_ABM.gaml
|       └───__data__ symlink zu data-Ordner (unten))
│       infoscreen (NodeJS/ JavaScript)
        projection (Python)


further requirements: