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Support author roles in default template #10410

Open fredguth opened 1 month ago

fredguth commented 1 month ago

Bug description

When you create a brand new Manuscript project, Quarto creates an article with Norah Jones author and roles: writing. But when I render with keep-typ: true and check the code, I get:

authors: (
    ( name: [Norah Jones],
      affiliation: [The University],
      email: [] ),

I tried to create a custom template and change typst-show.typ to:

    ( name: [$it.name.literal$],
      affiliation: [$for(it.affiliations)$$it.name$$sep$, $endfor$],
      roles: [$for(it.roless)$$it.name$$sep$, $endfor$],
      email: [$it.email$] ),

But then I get ....

authors: (
    ( name: [Norah Jones],
      affiliation: [The University],
      email: [],
      roles: [] ),

Steps to reproduce

1) create new Manuscript project 2) change format typst with keep-typ: true 3) quarto preview index.qmd 4) check index.typ

Expected behavior

authors: (
    ( name: [Norah Jones],
      affiliation: [The University],
      email: [],
      roles: [writing] ),

Actual behavior

authors: (
    ( name: [Norah Jones],
      affiliation: [The University],
      email: [] ),

Your environment

IDE: Positron, MacOS Sonoma 14.5

Quarto check output

❯ quarto check
Quarto 1.5.54
[✓] Checking versions of quarto binary dependencies...
      Pandoc version 3.2.0: OK
      Dart Sass version 1.70.0: OK
      Deno version 1.41.0: OK
      Typst version 0.11.0: OK
[✓] Checking versions of quarto dependencies......OK
[✓] Checking Quarto installation......OK
      Version: 1.5.54
      Path: /Applications/quarto/bin

[✓] Checking tools....................OK
      TinyTeX: v2023.01
      Chromium: 869685

[✓] Checking LaTeX....................OK
      Using: TinyTex
      Path: /Users/fredguth/Library/TinyTeX/bin/universal-darwin
      Version: 2022

[✓] Checking basic markdown render....OK

[✓] Checking Python 3 installation....OK
      Version: 3.12.4
      Path: /Users/fredguth/Code/sus/desid_pdf/.venv/bin/python3
      Jupyter: 5.7.2
      Kernels: python3, mojo-jupyter-kernel, fastduck

[✓] Checking Jupyter engine render....OK

[✓] Checking R installation...........OK
      Version: 4.4.1
      Path: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.4-arm64/Resources
        - /Users/fredguth/Library/R/arm64/4.4/library
        - /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.4-arm64/Resources/library
      knitr: 1.48
      rmarkdown: 2.27

[✓] Checking Knitr engine render......OK
cderv commented 1 month ago

roles is indeed not part of the typst template default. You can indeed add it using partials, but you need to use the right fields.

Some information at : https://quarto.org/docs/journals/authors.html#roles

Especially, it does not have a name field. So

 roles: [$for(it.roless)$$it.name$$sep$, $endfor$],

is not correct. Use

 roles: [$for(it.roless)$$it.role$$sep$, $endfor$],

if you want the value.

And when modifying a typst template for YAML metadata, there are two places to modify in Typst template

Hope this helps.

Overall, I don't think roles is used in any of the templates, except for JATS output in Manuscript, so I am not sure we'll add it in default template. It is available to use as partials as you tried.

fredguth commented 1 month ago

I created a template github.com/desid-ms/desid_report which uses it.