quarto-dev / quarto-cli

Open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc.
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Quarto is an open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc. Quarto documents are authored using markdown, an easy to write plain text format.

In addition to the core capabilities of Pandoc, Quarto includes:

  1. Embedding code and output from Python, R, Julia, and JavaScript via integration with Jupyter, Knitr, and Observable.

  2. A variety of extensions to Pandoc markdown useful for technical writing including cross-references, sub-figures, layout panels, hoverable citations and footnotes, callouts, and more.

  3. A project system for rendering groups of documents at once, sharing options across documents, and producing aggregate output like websites and books.

  4. Authoring using a wide variety of editors and notebooks including JupyterLab, RStudio, and VS Code.

  5. A visual markdown editor that provides a productive writing interface for composing long-form documents.

Learn more about Quarto at https://quarto.org.

Development Version

To install the development version of the Quarto CLI, clone the quarto-cli repository then run the configure script for your platform (configure.sh for Linux/macOS or configure.cmd for Windows). For example:

git clone https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli
cd quarto-cli

The ./configure.sh script should add a symlink to quarto to your path. You can also run quarto by running package/dist/bin/quarto.

To update to the latest development version, run git pull from the local repo directory:

cd quarto-cli
git pull

Running Tests

To run all unit tests, execute the script in the test directory.

cd tests

To run a specific unit test, specify the script name.

cd tests
./run-tests.sh smoke/extensions/extension-render-doc.test.ts
./run-tests.sh smoke/extensions/


Quarto is open source software available under the MIT license (https://opensource.org/license/mit/).