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Unable to configure bilingual website with separate _quarto.yml files for each language (RTL and LTR same ) #10601

Closed alirezach closed 3 weeks ago

alirezach commented 1 month ago

I'm trying to create a bilingual website using Quarto, with a main website in English and a separate blog in Persian with RTL direction. I've created separate _quarto.yml files for each language, but I'm unable to get the configuration to work as expected.

Here's what I've tried:

** main _quarto.yml edit:

    title: "Example"
    author: "John doe"
    title: "Persian Title"
    author: "Persian Name"
    language: fa.yml
        light: sandstone, ../styles/persian.css
        dark: sandstone, ../styles/persian.css
      dir: rtl

    site: en/_quarto.yml
    site: fa/_quarto.yml 

** Persin (RTL) _quarto.yml:

  title: "Persian blog"
  language: fa
  dir: rtl

      light: sandstone
      dark: sandstone
    css: ../../styles/persian.css 

Off course I try to an other way But Not working and only on style.css can Show on all website

cderv commented 1 month ago

Could you format your code part correctly please for easier readibility ? https://quarto.org/bug-reports.html#formatting-make-githubs-markdown-work-for-us

Thank you !

alirezach commented 1 month ago

Sorry about that, I Use ` for that and its wrong. I edited

cscheid commented 1 month ago

Sorry, this is still not right:


When we can't get a reprex, we can't help you.

alirezach commented 3 weeks ago

I edit again and I think it must be solved.

cderv commented 3 weeks ago

@alirezach what is this part about exactly ?

    site: en/_quarto.yml
    site: fa/_quarto.yml

Where did you find example of this configuration ? Or what are you trying exactly ?

It is not clear to me if you are doing two Quarto projects, and you render each one separately, or that you are expecting two quarto projects to render at once.

Usually, there is only one _quarto.yml per project, this is why i am a bit puzzled here.

I edit again and I think it must be solved.

You edited only the code part. You did not edited your issue to provide a full reproducible example. You can share for example a github repo of what you tried, with the commands you tried and that leads to your problem.

Asking to solve something without providing all asked information is not that useful and won't bring more results. As a reminder, our guidelines: https://quarto.org/bug-reports.html


alirezach commented 3 weeks ago

I think my problem is solved. I was looking to launch the LTR and RTL blog at the same time, when you said that we don't have one more configuration file in Quarto. I solved this problem by making the Farsi blog independent from the English site.

cderv commented 3 weeks ago

Glad it works for you now !