Open Steinthal opened 8 months ago
It seems to be an issue with the Lua filter to decorate the code blocks:
Note that it was working in 1.3.450, so it's a regression here.
Note that it was working in 1.3.450, so it's a regression here.
It was "working" in the sense that it didn't crash. But it didn't work in the sense that there's no filename (or title) in the output.
There's more than one thing going wrong with filename=""
in code listings in PDF output:
listings: true
support## Test with listings
```{#lst-1 .zsh lst-cap="A caption" filename="Terminal"}
echo "Hello World"
See @lst-1.
This works in HTML but crashes in PDF, independent of `listings: true` or not. The div syntax also doesn't work.
The problem is deeper. We've regressed on this, in at least two ways:
format: pdf
keep-tex: true
```{#lst-1 .python lst-cap="A caption"}
print("Hello, World!")
v1.3.450 produces this:
<img width="803" alt="image" src="">
main produces this:
<img width="767" alt="image" src="">
Note the lack of all highlighting. The first fix is to forward the classes from the FloatRefTarget to the listing itself. But then, we get this:
<img width="776" alt="image" src="">
What's happening here is that `main` is not overriding Pandoc's definition of the Shaded environment, compared to 1.3. This check happens in `meta.lua`:
On `main`, I found both `useCodeBlockBorder` and `useCodeBlockBg` to be false, by inspection.
On `v1.3.450`, though, `useCodeBlockBorder` is true, because `param('adaptive-text-highlighting', false)` is true. This parameter is set on `layout.ts`. On, we changed the behavior and `adaptive-text-highlighting` became false. I think this is actually a bug fix, because `adaptive-text-highlighting` appears to be about themes that can be dark or light, and the PDF format simply doesn't support that.
I think my conclusion after all of this is that `main` _shouldn't_ override the definition of Shaded in this simple case.
In 1.3.450,listings: true
barely worked. For example, it couldn't be used to create cross-referenceable code listings either:
title: "Test Listings"
keep-tex: true
listings: true
## Test with listings
```{#lst-1 .zsh lst-cap="Hello"}
echo "Hello World"
more text, see @lst-1.
This doesn't work in 1.3.450:
% invalid output from Quarto
\begin{lstlisting}[lst-cap=Hello, label=lst-1]
doesn't appear to offer syntax highlighting, either. I know that Quarto nominally supports it and I don't intend on breaking this behavior, but I honestly don't want to invest a lot of engineering time on output that never worked that well to begin with, and for which we have better alternatives.
I'll add a PR for the Shaded fixes, but I'm not going to attempt to make lstlisting
work with the rest of Quarto in this PR. I think we should recommend people not to use listings: true
and eventually deprecate that option.
I encountered an issue with the current verbatim approach, as it doesn’t seem to support page breaks. To address this, I switched to using the listings package. While I acknowledge that there are more advanced options, such as minted, I was able to achieve a satisfactory result by using listings in combination with the include-in-header option. This allowed me to properly handle the filename parameter (bug solved?) and achieve a visually appealing output.
My settings
listings: true
text: |
\lst@Key{filename}{default}{\lstset{caption={\ttfamily #1}}}
backgroundcolor=\color{gray!10}, % Set background color to light gray
basicstyle=\ttfamily, % Use monospaced font
columns=fullflexible, % Make sure the spacing is correct for monospaced font
keepspaces=true, % Keep spaces in text, useful for indentation
breaklines=true, % Enable line wrapping
breakatwhitespace=false, % Allow breaking at any character (not just at whitespace)
postbreak=\mbox{\textcolor{red}{$\hookrightarrow$}}, % Indicate wrapped lines
Generated latex code
\begin{lstlisting}[language=bash, numbers=left, filename={HTTP Response}]
HTTP/1.1 302
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 0
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2023 17:50:50 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Location: http:/
Bug description
When setting "listings: true" for format PDF, the div parameter "filename" causes an error:
Using "title" instead of "filename" does not throw the error. However, "title" does not produce the code listings heading in html.
Steps to reproduce
more text