quartzmo / email-landing-page

Bootstrap-based, Heroku-ready, easily customizable marketing landing page that integrates with MailChimp. Simple Sinatra server app.
153 stars 77 forks source link

Email Landing Page

A simple, customizable landing page for email signup, based on Twitter Bootstrap, HTML5 Boilerplate, and Sinatra.

The current version has optional MailChimp and Google Analytics integration.

Please visit the live demo on Heroku and join the project mailing list


  1. Fork this project.
  2. $ git clone git://github.com/<yourusernamehere>/email-landing-page.git
  3. $ cd email-landing-page
  4. $ rm -rf .git
  5. $ bundle install
  6. Register for a free MailChimp account and generate an API key (required).
  7. Modify views/index.erb, replacing sample content with your own.
  8. If you want nifty Rack-based Google Analytics, edit Gemfile and config.ru, uncomment the indicated lines, and add your Google Analytics account ID (optional). Otherwise add any analytics code you want to views/index.erb.
  9. $ MAILCHIMP_API_KEY={your_key} MAILCHIMP_LIST_NAME="{your_list}" bundle exec rackup to start the app locally on port 9292.
  10. Test locally.
  11. Register for a free Heroku account (optional).
  12. Follow the Ruby instructions to deploy to Heroku (optional).
  13. Use config:set to setup your two mailchimp env variables as explained here.
  14. Configure custom domain name with Heroku.


Inspired by alphabetum/landing-page.