quest-bih / clinical-dashboard
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Responsible Metrics dashboard for clinical trial transparency

Please note that this dashboard is under active development

This repository includes the code to generate an institutional dashboard for clinical trial transparency (Shiny app).

Forked with many thanks from

Repo overview

Scripts that are directly involved in preparing data for use in the dashboard are in the prep/ folder. The file prep/eutt-history.R contains instructions for how to generate the history data file from the EU Trials Tracker (EUTT). The file prep/prep-intovalue.R contains instructions for how to generate the IntoValue data files. These R scripts write CSVs directly to the data/ folder.

The Shiny app expects to find the final output data of these scripts in the data/ folder.

The root folder contains the code that is run to generate the Shiny app, app.R.