Swiftmouse is a tool to quickly navigate your screen using only a keyboard. It is inspired by the shortcat app for mac and works by utilizing pipewire, and xdg desktop portal apis / x11 as fallback so it works on most wayland and x11 environments.
Screencast from 2024-07-20 01-27-11.webm
It is optimized for navigation speed, since this is important to ensure an interactive experience that does not feel like there is a layer between you, and the action you intend to do (click a link). For this, low-latency screencapture (pipewire) and custom, optimized image processing (fully multithreaded) are used. For a 4k screen, on a Tiger-lake i7 mobile cpu, this takes ~100ms for a 1080p screen and 300-400 ms on a 4k screen.
Build the daemon and gui bin's, then:
Bind the following to your DE's custom shortcut facilities:
dbus-send --print-reply --dest=com.quexten.swiftmouse /com/quexten/swiftmouse com.quexten.swiftmouse.Run
Then, when the gui is active after you pressed the shortcut:
a - image
o - lines
e - boxes
u - links
esc - exit
enter - left click & exit