quii / vue-fast

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When shooting is taking place, it will be under the control of a Field Captain who will indicate when it is safe to shoot, but every archer can play a part in this. If you see anything that gives a cause for concern, then call out “FAST” and all shooting will cease, even if an archer is at full draw they must let down the bow and wait.

Fast, is a webapp that allows an archer to record their scores as they go through their ends, rounds and shoots. Calculates running totals, hits e.t.c. on the fly.

Screenshot of the app


Tech choices

Whilst I am a huge HTMX fan, for this I wanted a static website, so that I wouldn't have to pay for a database, and I can keep the hosting cheap. I also wanted to try out Vue, so this was a good opportunity to do so.

It's been a lot of fun, the event system and reactivity is simple and I find it more intuitive than React. If I were to start a project where I knew I'd need something very client-side heavy, which wouldn't be appropriate for HTMX, I'd definitely consider Vue.