quintanar401 / connect-kdb-q

Query execution support for KDB-Q in Atom
MIT License
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Allow multiple q connections from same file #19

Closed joel23888 closed 6 years ago

joel23888 commented 6 years ago

One use case I have is within one q file I need to run different lines (or blocks) of code on different q processes, some which cannot be connected to each other at the q level (eg development and production environments). I thought it may be useful to allow one line or block of code to point to one q process, and another piece code to point to another q process. For example:


Let me know if above is useful or anything is not clear. Happy to provide more details on the use case.

quintanar401 commented 6 years ago

Currently it is possible to connect to several processes, to switch between them you need to click the grin name below. I guess it is possible to add a function that can be associated with a hot key to switch between connections. To remember a server for each line seems an overkill.