quintanar401 / connect-kdb-q

Query execution support for KDB-Q in Atom
MIT License
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connect-kdb-q package

Provides ability to execute arbitrary queries on Q servers and see their results.


connect-kdb-q requires:


This package provides the following services:


You can provide two config files with server details:

These files should reside in $HOME/.atom/ directory. C:\Users\user\.atom on Windows. Their paths are printed into Atom console if they are not found.

Config file format is:

  "region" : "EMEA US ASIA JPN",
  "tagname" : ["v1","v2","v3"],
  "tagname:list": ["l1","l2","l3"],
  "uname": "defaultUname",
  "pass": "defaultPass",
  "servers" : [
      "host" : "myserver.com",
      "port" : 5566,
      "tags" : "EMEA PROD stock",
      "name" : "Main HDB",
      "uname": "myname",
      "pass" : "mypass"
      "port" : 5566,
      "tags": "US UAT"
      "port" : 5566,
      "uname" : "myname",
      "tags": "EMEA UAT"

The first server entry has all available settings:

You can provide the default username and password. They will be used for all connections that do not have a username set.

You can also provide optional tags in the top level object that will be shown as filters in the server view. Tags are displayed as buttons or lists, lists should be marked with ':list'.

Hosts and ports are automatically converted to tags.

Note that tags field in 'servers' can contain any tags not only declared ones.

To open the server view:

You'll see something like this: Servers

You can click on tag's buttons to filter the server's list. You can also select a specific port or host. Or you can enter any tags separated by spaces in the text input field. Anyway the server list will be filtered to include only tagged servers. You can select a server by pressing Enter or double click. You can click on the list or use Up or Down buttons to navigate it.

Finally you can enter the server directly into the text field. The format is [host]:port[:username[:password]]. Press Enter.

To close the view press Esc

Note that the servers with open connections are shown in green. You can't open a new connection to the already connected server but you can create additional connections by using hostname aliases or different user names.

The server status is shown in the status bar. Good servers are shown in green and bad in red. If there was a connection error you can point your mouse to the server name to see additional information. You can also click on the server name to change the server.

Once you selected a server it will be attached to the current file and/or become the default server. You can select different servers in different files, they will be switched automatically as you switch between the files.

Atm it is not possible to close connections. Reload the editor if you need this.

Query Results

Once you connected to some server you can start to execute queries. You can either execute the current line by pressing Ctrl-Enter or select some text and press Ctrl-E. Also you can select execute-selection command in either context or global KDB-Q menus.

The query result will be printed into Query Result view. It will be created in the bottom, top, left or on the right of the current pane/dock. It is actually an ordinary editor with some additional features thus you can use it as you could have used any Q editor view - execute queries, connect to servers, use other packages related to Q and etc.

There some settings associated with this view:

Text in the query view is divided into two parts by '=== cut line ===' line. New query results get printed after this line. The space above can be used for ad-hoc queries. Thus the query view can be used as a Q console inside the editor.

If you execute some query you'll see something like this: Result

Notice that the query was executed from within the view.

Printed information includes: status, the server, query execution time, number of rows and table prototype.

Then the table itself is printed. connect-kdb-q tries to imitate Q console when it shows data.

Finally the query itself is printed. If it takes more than one row it is automatically folded.

Below you can see the previous query.

Notice the blue markers on the image. They indicate that there is more data to be printed. You can put cursor into one of these markers and data will be added. Lets click on the first marker: Result

You see that some data was added on the right. Notice also that GUID is now recognized by Q grammar.

If you click on the second marker additional rows will be printed. Each time you click on a marker the current 'show' number of additional rows or columns is shown.

If you enter CLEAR on the first line of the result view the result view will be cleared on every query.

Finally it is worth noting that you can save the query view as an ordinary file.