quintanar401 / connect-kdb-q

Query execution support for KDB-Q in Atom
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is it possible to display C shared objects in atom? #25

Closed cheduo closed 6 years ago

cheduo commented 6 years ago

Hello, Is it possible to display dynamic loaded function (C shared objects in atom)? I'm playing with p.q (embedPy), it seems one can not display namespace .p properly in atom: \l p.q in terminal:

eval    | {[f;x]r:wrap f x 0;$[count x:1_x;.[;x];]r}[code]enlist
e       | {$["def"~3#x;$[x[3]in"<*>";ei 3;eo];"class"~5#x;$[x[5]in"*>";ei 5;e..
py2q    | code
q2py    | code
get     | {[f;x]r:wrap f x 0;$[count x:1_x;.[;x];]r}[code]enlist
set     | {[f;x;y]f[x]unwrap y;}[code]
import  | {[f;x]r:wrap f x 0;$[count x:1_x;.[;x];]r}[code]enlist
getattr | code

in atom:

Q: .p


quintanar401 commented 6 years ago

This is not related to Atom - it is Q IPC issue. If you try to request .p from another Q process you'll see the same error. I don't think I can do anything here - I would have to modify the original query.

cheduo commented 6 years ago

Exactly! It's due to the problem of IPC. But strangely it seems jupyterq can display it properly:


It's a bit painful to use embedPy in atom, if we couldn't display it properly. Maybe I could make some modification on .z.pg to filter dynamic load type.

quintanar401 commented 6 years ago

I guess all data goes through embedPy. It is like if you would modify .z.pg to sanitize the result.

cheduo commented 6 years ago

OK, thanks !