quintonwall / rhatter

Rails and JQuery Mobile app using the Chatter REST API
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Rail 3 + JQuerymobile app using the Chatter REST API

This sample app uses the Chatter REST API to implement a Chatter client in Rails3. In addition, it uses jquerymobile to make this app accessible on just about any mobile device.


The app uses Omniauth for OAuth2 authentication. You will need to change the consumer key and consumer secret which the forcedotcom strategy uses to authorize against a Force.com remote access provider. Settings are contained within config/initializers/omniauth.rb

You will also need to change the site url in lib/forcedotcom.rb. Right now it points to a pre-release org which has the Chatter REST API enabled.

Yes I know I need to move these into env settings. I'll get around to it soon :)

Finally, as the remote access provider requires a https callback url, you need to create your certs and keys for your local web server. I have already set up the rails web server (WEBrick) with all the script changes. As long as you drop your keys and certs into the lib/certs dir you should be good to go

Using the app:

Once you have everything up and running on your local machine, navigate to the default url (https://localhost:3000/) and you should be all good to go!

Have fun @quintonwall