quipucords / camayoc

Test automation framework that facilitates functional testing of quipucords.
GNU General Public License v3.0
5 stars 4 forks source link

.. _quipucords: https://github.com/quipucords/quipucords .. _qpc: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/quipucords/qpc/

======= Camayoc

A GPL-licensed Python library that facilitates functional testing of quipucords_.

.. image:: https://github.com/quipucords/camayoc/actions/workflows/tests.yml/badge.svg?branch=master :target: https://github.com/quipucords/camayoc/actions/workflows/tests.yml?query=branch%3Amaster .. image:: https://codecov.io/gh/quipucords/camayoc/branch/master/graph/badge.svg :target: https://codecov.io/gh/quipucords/camayoc

Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^

Camayoc supports Python 3.11. It uses Poetry <https://python-poetry.org/> for dependency and virtual environment management. See Poetry documentation for installation instructions - one of the easier paths is to install it through pipx <https://pypa.github.io/pipx/> , which you can get from your distribution.

This is a suggested install method:

  1. Install pipx and Poetry:

    sudo dnf install -y pipx pipx install poetry

  2. Clone the repo and navigate to the base directory::

    git clone https://github.com/quipucords/camayoc.git cd camayoc

  3. Install using make targets::

    To install for development, install all dependencies

    make install-dev

    If you only want to run the test suite, you can skip

    a few dependencies with the plain "install" target

    make install

Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Camayoc requires a configuration file to be installed to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/camayoc/config.yaml. On most systems this will be ~/.config/camayoc/config.yaml.

The config file tells Camayoc about the hosts you would like to run tests against and the credentials to use with these hosts. It also tells Camayoc where the quipucords_ server you want to test is running so the tests can execute against the server.

Camayoc contains test suites for quipucords/qpc and quipucords/quipucords projects. All portions of the test suite expect the same config file format. Any changes to the test suite that require changes to the config file format should be made with this in mind.

There is an example annotated config file in example_config.yaml in the root directory of the Camayoc repository.

Configuration Template """"""""""""""""""""""

The Jenkins automation jobs often use a template configuration file when running camaoyc. This template config has default values (such as ${jenkins_ssh_file}) that are swapped out for values which Jenkins provides. Additionally, ssh key files need to be set with the proper permissions.

When working locally or in a dev environment, these steps can be automatically configured with a template config using the configure-camayoc.yaml playbook found in the camayoc/scripts/ directory. To use the playbook, first open it and set the variables at the top accordingly (or overwrite them when calling the playbook using -e flags). Then, assuming the template configuration has been downloaded and defined correctly in the playbook, run the playbook::

cd scripts
sudo ansible-playbook configure-camayoc.yaml

Configuring py.test ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

If you are testing machines that use https but do not have good certificates, it can get difficult to read the test results due to warnings about insecure connections. If this is a problem for you, an example pytest.ini file is provided in the root of the Camayoc repository that disables these warnings. Additional configuration is possible through the pytest.ini file, these options are documented at https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/reference.html#ini-options-ref

For example, if you always want to run py.tests in verbose mode, this can be done in the pytest.ini file.

Running The Test Suite ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Camayoc uses py.test as its test runner. The pytest project has excellent documentation available at https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/contents.html

Running Tests For quipucords_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

To run all the quipucords tests, first start the quipucords server and set up your config file to point to the server. You should also install the qpc_ executable in such a way that it is available in your $PATH. Then run all API, CLI, and UI tests with::

make test-qpc

.. warning:: There are extra considerations you must take if you are running the quipucords server in a container. First, your config file must use paths for sshkeys that exist on the server. Additionally you must map your /tmp directory to the server's /tmp directory because some tests create temporary files in /tmp that must be accessed by the server.

To only test the API, CLI, or UI, you can take advantage of the following make targets::

# for API tests only
make test-qpc-api
# for CLI tests only
make test-qpc-cli
# for UI tests only
make test-qpc-ui

Additionally you can select tests based on string matching. For example, to run quipucords tests with create in the name and skip any others, run::

make test-qpc PYTEST_OPTIONS="--verbose -k create"

Any other valid pytest options may be included as well in this variable.

Testing Camayoc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Testing Camayoc requires that you have installed the development dependencies. Do that by running make install-dev.

To run all checks of the Camayoc test framework, execute::

make all