quiqr / quiqr-desktop

Hugo CMS and Publishing Application
MIT License
110 stars 5 forks source link
cms hugo quiqr static-site-generator

horz - dark

Website · Install · Documentation


Quiqr is a open source, cross platform, offline desktop CMS for Hugo with build in Git functionality for deploying static sites to any hosting server. Read all about it Quiqr at our website.

Feature block

Supported Platforms

Quiqr runs on Windows, macOS and Linux


You can download Quiqr Desktop from our website.

Changelog and Releases

We try to release an often. See our changelog (release notes).

Issues, Bugs, and Feature Requests

File issue requests in this repo!

Open Source & Contributing

Quiqr is open source and we appreciate contributions and positive feedback.

Support and Questions

Please don't hesitate to reach out via email at info at quiqr dot org.

Community Guidelines

At a high level, we ask everyone be respectful and empathetic. We follow the Github Community Guidelines:

Open Source Dependencies

We'd like to call out a few of the open source dependencies that have helped Quiqr to get off the ground:


Preparing on Windows

Preparing on Linux

Install the required tools:

sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install npm
sudo apt-get install git-core
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

Preparing macOS

Install the required tools:

brew install npm


git clone https://github.com/quiqr/quiqr-desktop.git && cd quiqr-app
npm install && npm run dist


Clone the repository.

git clone https://github.com/quiqr/quiqr-desktop.git && cd quiqr-app

Install npm dependancies.

npm install

Get latest embgit

npm run _pack_embgit

Start electron with a single command.

npm run start

Alternatively you can start two seperate nix-shell terminal (e.g. with tmux), one for the backend...

npm run _electron-dev

... and one for the frontend.

npm run _react-dev

Development with devtools window

DEVTOOLS=1 npm run _electron-dev

Development Environment on Nix / NixOS

Clone the repository..

git clone https://github.com/quiqr/quiqr-desktop.git && cd quiqr-app

Make sure flakes are enabled.

Enter the nix-shell..

nix develop


Install npm dependancies..

npm install

Get latest embgit..

npm run _pack_embgit

Start electron with a single command.

npm run start


Release Runbook

1. Update Hugo version list..

npm run _hugo_versions

2 Gather stats for changelog..

npx cost-of-modules --no-install

3. Update and commit last changes..

4. Release..

npm run release

5. Check GitHub actions..

6. Create release on github from tag