An implementation of the HDFS API using the Aliyun OSS client.
Include the following properties in core-site.xml
Please refer to OSSFileSystemConfigKeys
for a list of all configuration
Use ./gradlew copyDeps
to copy dragon's dependencies (jars) to build/libs.
Ensure that each jar exists on the classpath of whatever Hadoop tool you are
using. For example,
$> ./gradlew copyDeps
$> sudo mv libs/dragon-0.1.0.jar /usr/lib/hadoop-hdfs/lib
$> sudo mv libs/aliyun-openservices-OTS-2.0.4.jar /usr/lib/hadoop-hdfs/lib
$> sudo mv libs/gson-2.2.4.jar /usr/lib/hadoop-hdfs/lib
$> sudo mv libs/jdom-1.1.jar /usr/lib/hadoop-hdfs/lib
$> hdfs dfs -ls oss://xyz/
Some of the tests in the test suite require an OSS connection. If
exists on the classpath and contains OSS credentials, the test
suite will attempt a connection to run the OSS tests. Otherwise, these OSS
tests will be skipped.
$ cp src/test/resources/core-site.xml{.example,}
# fill in core-site.xml with your OSS credentials
$ ./gradlew check
. Use the InMemoryFileSystemStore
if necessary../gradlew check
when you are done to run FindBugs, PMD, and TestNG checks.