quri / Titanium

View controller transition for image & photo previews
MIT License
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Platform Version CI License


Titanium is a library that provides a way to view full screen images from thumbnail previews.

Titanium examples


The main class of Titanium is ESImageViewController. It uses a custom modal transition to present and dismiss itslef, as well as gesture recognizers to provide zooming capabilities. Using Titanium to display an image is easy. Just follow these steps:

  1. Create a new instance of ESImageViewController.
  2. Set the image property.
  3. Set the tappedThumbnail property. This will be used to animate from the thumbnail into the full-screen imageView.
  4. Present the instance.

For an example of how to use ESImageViewController with a storyboard segue, take a look at -[ESImageViewController prepareForSegue:sender:].