qutip / qutip-tutorials

QuTiP Tutorials
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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QuTiP Tutorials

This repositories collects tutorials of different complexity for using QuTiP. Some of the notebooks are also shown on the QuTiP Tutorials website.

The notebooks in this repository are stored in a Markdown format and thus have no outputs. To generate the outputs, follow the installation guide below.

The notebooks are located in the folders tutorials-v4 / tutorials-v5, where the version number stands for the QuTiP version they work with.

Installation Guide

To modify and execute the notebooks yourself, you have to install an environment with the required packages.

If you use Anaconda, you can install the required dependencies for this repository by:

cd qutip-tutorials
conda env create --file environment.yml
conda activate qutip-tutorials

Alternatively, you can install the requirements using pip (we recommend the usage of virtual environments):

pip install -r requirements.txt

Regardless of the installation method, you can now start Jupyter Notebook by executing:

jupyter notebook

Your browser should automatically open the Jupyter Notebook frontend. Otherwise open the link displayed in the terminal.

Navigate into the tutorials-v4 or tutorials-v5 directory and select one of the notebooks. Note that the format of the notebooks is .md (markdown), which is intended for better compatibility with git features.


You are most welcome to contribute to QuTiP development by forking this repository and sending pull requests, or filing bug reports at the issues page. Note that all notebooks are tested automatically to work with the latest version of QuTiP. Furthermore, this repository uses notebooks in the markdown format. See below how to convert the format of an already existing notebook.

Add a new notebook

If you want to create a new notebook, copy the template.md located in the tutorials directory, edit it and save it as a new markdown file. Please keep in mind that new users might use the notebook as an entry point to QuTiP.

Add an existing notebook

To add an already existing notebook to the repository, copy it to the tutorials directory and create a pull request. If the notebook is in the . ipynb format please convert it to markdown using JupyText by executing:

jupytext --to md my_notebook.ipynb

Formatting a notebook

We aim to create notebooks consistent with the PEP8 style guide. Therefore, we use flake8 to check the formatting of every notebook. To format a notebook before adding it to this repository you can use black and isort to do so. You can apply these two tools to notebook by using the tool nbQA.

To format any notebook notebook.ipynb (in the Jupyter format) run:

nbqa black notebook.ipynb
nbqa isort notebook.ipynb

To test whether the notebook conforms with the PEP8 style guide run:

nbqa flake8 notebook.ipynb

If the notebook is already in the MarkDown format, you can use JupyText to convert it back to .ipynb:

jupytext --to notebook notebook.md

If the notebook is in the MarkDown format saved via Jupytext, you can format it using:

nbqa black notebook.md

LaTeX and ImageMagick installation

Some functions of the notebooks (e.g. plotting QCircuits) require a working installation of ImageMagick and LaTeX. If you used conda to install the requirements, ImageMagick is already installed. Otherwise, follow the instruction on their website.