scheme2ddl is command line util for export oracle schema to set of ddl scripts. Provide a lot of configurations via basic command line options or advanced XML configuartion.
scheme2ddl is part of oracle-ddl2svn project.
scheme2ddl give ability to filter undesirable information, separate DDL in different files, pretty format output.
Use link above or
Java must be installed on your computer.
For exporting oracle scheme you must provide
Usage example. Command
java -jar scheme2ddl.jar -url scott/tiger@localhost:1521:ORCL -o C:/temp/oracle-ddl2svn/
will produce directory tree
More command line options
java -jar scheme2ddl.jar -help
-help, -h print this message
-url, DB connection URL
example: scott/tiger@localhost:1521:ORCL
-o, --output, output dir
-p, --parallel, number of parallel thread (default 4)
-s, --schemas, a comma separated list of schemas for processing
(works only if connected to oracle as sysdba)
-c, --config, path to scheme2ddl config file (xml)
-f, --filter, filter for specific DDL objects
every LIKE wildcard can be used
-tf, --type-filter, filter for specific DDL object types
-tfm, --type-filtermode, mode for type filter: include(default) or exclude
--stop-on-warning, stop on getting DDL error (skip by default)
-rsv, replace actual sequence values with 1
-tc,--test-connection, test db connection available
-version, print version info and exit
On Unix platform you can run scheme2ddl.jar
as executable file:
chmod +x scheme2ddl.jar
select * from user_objects
scheme2ddl build on top of spring-batch framework.