qxxxb / vim-searchhi

Highlight the current search result differently
GNU General Public License v3.0
47 stars 6 forks source link

Star doesn't search the word under cursor #6

Open nkakouros opened 5 years ago

nkakouros commented 5 years ago

This is a minor issue on this super-useful plugin.

Steps to reproduce:

qxxxb commented 5 years ago

Thanks for reporting, I'll try to fix it if I have time soon

qxxxb commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the super late response! I can't seem to reproduce this issue. Here's the config I'm testing with:

call plug#begin('~/.local/share/nvim/plugged')
Plug '~/Programs/vim-searchhi'
call plug#end()

nmap n <Plug>(searchhi-n)
nmap N <Plug>(searchhi-N)
nmap * <Plug>(searchhi-*)
nmap g* <Plug>(searchhi-g*)
nmap # <Plug>(searchhi-#)
nmap g# <Plug>(searchhi-g#)
nmap gd <Plug>(searchhi-gd)
nmap gD <Plug>(searchhi-gD)

vmap n <Plug>(searchhi-v-n)
vmap N <Plug>(searchhi-v-N)
vmap * <Plug>(searchhi-v-*)
vmap g* <Plug>(searchhi-v-g*)
vmap # <Plug>(searchhi-v-#)
vmap g# <Plug>(searchhi-v-g#)
vmap gd <Plug>(searchhi-v-gd)
vmap gD <Plug>(searchhi-v-gD)

nmap <silent> <C-L> <Plug>(searchhi-clear-all)
vmap <silent> <C-L> <Plug>(searchhi-v-clear-all)

let g:searchhi_clear_all_asap = 1