Highlight the current search result in a different style than the other search results.
This plugin would not have existed without vim-searchant. It uses the same basic implementation for highlighting the current search result.
Smooth integration with standard search as well as other search-enhancing plugins (e.g. vim-anzu, vim-asterisk).
Uses a custom highlight group for the cursor when it's inside a search result.
Behaves appropriately in Visual mode.
Highlighting is updated predictably when the cursor is moved, as well as when switching buffers and windows. It can also be toggled with custom autocommands.
User autocommands are provided and executed when highlighting is turned on and off.
Note: This plugin uses a lot of <Plug>
mappings. An alternative plugin is
vim-searchlight, which has the same basic functionality but doesn't require
any mappings.
nmap n <Plug>(searchhi-n)
nmap N <Plug>(searchhi-N)
nmap * <Plug>(searchhi-*)
nmap g* <Plug>(searchhi-g*)
nmap # <Plug>(searchhi-#)
nmap g# <Plug>(searchhi-g#)
nmap gd <Plug>(searchhi-gd)
nmap gD <Plug>(searchhi-gD)
vmap n <Plug>(searchhi-v-n)
vmap N <Plug>(searchhi-v-N)
vmap * <Plug>(searchhi-v-*)
vmap g* <Plug>(searchhi-v-g*)
vmap # <Plug>(searchhi-v-#)
vmap g# <Plug>(searchhi-v-g#)
vmap gd <Plug>(searchhi-v-gd)
vmap gD <Plug>(searchhi-v-gD)
nmap <silent> <C-L> <Plug>(searchhi-clear-all)
vmap <silent> <C-L> <Plug>(searchhi-v-clear-all)
Integration with vim-anzu:
let g:searchhi_user_autocmds_enabled = 1
let g:searchhi_redraw_before_on = 1
augroup searchhi
autocmd User SearchHiOn AnzuUpdateSearchStatusOutput
autocmd User SearchHiOff echo g:anzu_no_match_word
augroup END
Example with vim-asterisk:
map * <Plug>(asterisk-*)<Plug>(searchhi-update)
map # <Plug>(asterisk-#)<Plug>(searchhi-update)
map g* <Plug>(asterisk-g*)<Plug>(searchhi-update)
map g# <Plug>(asterisk-g#)<Plug>(searchhi-update)
map z* <Plug>(asterisk-z*)<Plug>(searchhi-update)
map z# <Plug>(asterisk-z#)<Plug>(searchhi-update)
map gz* <Plug>(asterisk-gz*)<Plug>(searchhi-update)
map gz# <Plug>(asterisk-gz#)<Plug>(searchhi-update)
The current search result is highlighted with CurrentSearch
, and the cursor
when it's inside a search result is highlighted with SearchCursor
. Example:
highlight CurrentSearch
\ cterm=reverse,bold ctermfg=108 ctermbg=235
\ gui=reverse,bold guifg=#8ec07c guibg=#282828
highlight link SearchCursor WarningMsg
By default, CurrentSearch
is linked to Incsearch
, which works nicely if your
and Search
highlight groups are visually distinguishable.
is linked to Normal
by default.
The autocommands SearchHiOn
and SearchHiOff
are executed when highlighting
is turned on or off. Below is an example that blinks the cursor when search
highlighting is turned on, making the cursor easier to find. vim-anzu is also
used to echo the search count.
let g:searchhi_user_autocmds_enabled = 1
let g:searchhi_redraw_before_on = 1
augroup searchhi
autocmd User SearchHiOn
\ set guicursor=
\n-v:block-blinkwait20-blinkon20-blinkoff20 |
\ AnzuUpdateSearchStatusOutput
autocmd User SearchHiOff set guicursor& | echo g:anzu_no_match_word
augroup END
Highlighting for all search results can be toggled with custom autocommands. Example:
let g:searchhi_clear_all_autocmds = 'InsertEnter'
let g:searchhi_update_all_autocmds = 'InsertLeave'
Note: Using CursorMoved
for these will cause issues. If you want search
highlighting to be cleared as soon as the cursor moves, use this:
let g:searchhi_clear_all_asap = 1
Because g:searchhi_clear_all_asap
and g:searchhi_clear_all_autocmds
use a hack that directly sets nohlsearch
, you may also need to use the
following maps to make sure that incsearch
works properly when searching:
nmap / <Plug>(searchhi-/)
nmap ? <Plug>(searchhi-?)
vmap / <Plug>(searchhi-v-/)
vmap ? <Plug>(searchhi-v-?)