r-Techsupport / hyde

A web editor and CMS for Jekyll/git static sites.
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 2 forks source link


This project is intended as a Content Management System (CMS) for Jekyll static sites. It is meant to enable users to edit a Jekyll site hosted with Github Sites from a web browser, and provides a permission management interface for multi-user support.

It is composed of a frontend written in Svelte, and a backend written in Rust.

For more documentation, please check the docs/ folder at the root of the repo.


Run build.sh to build the front and and backend. The output will be assembled into ./target, run hyde to start the binary.


The executable requires a few environment variables be set, see default.env for a full list. You may set them on the system or copy default.env to .env and place it in a folder named hyde-data/ and customize as needed. This directory is used to store configs, the sqlite database, and the Github App private key.


The frontend and backend can also operate in development mode.

You can run the backend with cargo run from the backend folder (note: you'll need to make an hyde-data folder in backend and populate it with the required contents).

Once the backend is running, run npm run dev from the frontend folder to start the frontend.

It's recommended that you configure your rust-analyzer installation to run clippy instead of check. See https://users.rust-lang.org/t/how-to-use-clippy-in-vs-code-with-rust-analyzer/41881/2 for a guide, set Check On Save: Command to clippy. At the very least, run cargo clippy before committing to make sure your code passes lint.


To run the backend tests, navigate to ./backend, and run cargo test.

To run the frontend tests, navigate to ./frontend and run npm test, or npm test:watch for hot reload.