r-hyperspec / hySpc.read.txt

Import ASCII formatted data into hyperSpec
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Update fileio Vignette from the Perspective of hySpc.read.txt #19

Closed bryanhanson closed 4 years ago

bryanhanson commented 4 years ago

This issue could be potentially be raised several places, but it's going here for now.

As this package is reaching a completion point in the very near future, it's a good time to update fileio.Rmd that resides in hyperSpec (I will mention this issue over there). I'm assigning to Erick as his fresh eyes will be a real advantage.

eoduniyi commented 4 years ago

@bryanhanson on the first pass of reading fileio.Rmd:

Text: “Thus, once your data is in R’s workspace, creating a hyperSpec object is easy. I suggest wrapping the code to import your data and the line joining it into a hyperSpec object by your own import function. You are more than welcome to contribute such import code to package hyperSpec. Secion ?? discusses examples of custom import functions.”

Comment: Shouldn't "I" be replaced with "We": "We suggest wrapping the code..."

Text: "The NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) has published a data base of basic atomic emission spectra see http://physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/Handbook/periodictable.htm with emission lines tabulated in ASCII (HTML) files."

Comment: Can links be styled (i.e., [see here])(http://physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/Handbook/periodictable.htm)

Text: "Here’s an example [of] how to extract the data of the Hg strong lines file:"

Comment: I think it would benefit to add comments to each line for newbies and pros

Text: "Many spectrometer manufacturers provide a function to export their spectra into ASCII files. The functions discussed above are written in a very general way[,] and are highly customizable. I recommend wrapping these calls with the appropriate settings for your spectra format in an import function. Please consider contributing such import filters to package hyperSpec: send me the documented code (for details see the box at the beginning of this document). If you are able to import data of any format not mentioned in this document (even without the need of new converters), please let me know (details again in the box at the beginning of this document)."

Comment: Shouldn't "I" be replaced with "We": "We recommend wrapping these calls..."

Other than that, I think the document is pretty well structured. There also appears to be "??" to indicate where sections need to be referenced.

bryanhanson commented 4 years ago

Some general comments:

bryanhanson commented 4 years ago

Code blocks like this one mark developer's comments, and there is a flag to display or not somewhere.

{block, type="note-t", echo=show_reviewers_notes}
eoduniyi commented 4 years ago

Code blocks like this one mark developer's comments, and there is a flag to display or not somewhere.

{block, type="note-t", echo=show_reviewers_notes}

Got it!

bryanhanson commented 4 years ago

So use those blocks to write comments when you are not sure how to handle more significant or unclear items, then one of us can come along and respond/act. Since you are actually working over in the hyperSpec repo leave these comments hidden since the vig is published when pushed. UPDATE: if you are on a separate branch it wont' be published unless we make other changes; build and review locally for now I guess.

eoduniyi commented 4 years ago

This has been settled with the PR #28