R Package hySpc.read.txt
This package is still under construction.
So this website is not fully updated yet.
R package hySpc.read.txt is a member of the r-hyperspec
packages family, which contains functions to import data from ASCII/text files saved by various instruments/software into hyperSpec.
The hyperSpec team gratefully acknowledges support from the Google Summer of Code program, which sponsored student Erick Oduniyi during summer 2020.
Erick and the team carried out a significant overhaul of hyperSpec, which led to this release.
There are two versions of hySpc.read.txt online documentation:
a. for the released version of package,
b. for the development version of package.
The documentation of the other r-hyperspec
family packages can be found at r-hyperspec.github.io.
Issues, Bug Reports and Feature Requests
Issues, bug reports and feature requests should go to an appopriate package's repository:
- if related to this package, use this link;
- if related to
package, use this link.
Install from CRAN-like Repository
The recommended way to install the in-development version:
repos <- c("https://r-hyperspec.github.io/pkg-repo/", getOption("repos"))
install.packages("hySpc.read.txt", repos = repos)
Install from GitHub
Install from GitHub (details)
You can install the in-development version of the package from [GitHub](https://github.com/r-hyperspec/hySpc.read.txt) too:
if (!require(remotes)) {install.packages("remotes")}
**NOTE 1:**
Usually, "Windows" users need to download, install and properly configure **Rtools** (see [these instructions](https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/)) to make the code above work.
**NOTE 2:**
This method will **not** install package's documentation (help pages and vignettes) into your computer.
So you can either use the [online documentation](https://r-hyperspec.github.io/) or build the package from source (see the next section).
Install from Source
Install from Source (details)
1. From the **hySpc.read.txt**'s GitHub [repository](https://github.com/r-hyperspec/hySpc.read.txt):
- If you use Git, `git clone` the branch of interest.
You may need to fork it before cloning.
- Or just chose the branch of interest (1 in Figure below), download a ZIP archive with the code (2, 3) and unzip it on your computer.
2. Open the downloaded directory in RStudio (preferably, as an RStudio project).
- The code below works correctly only if your current working directory coincides with the root of the repository, i.e., if it is in the directory that contains file `README.md`.
- If you open RStudio project correctly (e.g., by clicking `project.Rproj` icon ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12725868/89340903-26621280-d6a9-11ea-8299-0ec5e9cf7e3e.png) in the directory), then the working directory is set correctly by default.
3. In RStudio 'Console' window, run the code (provided below) to:
a. Install packages **remotes** and **devtools**.
b. Install **hySpc.read.txt**'s dependencies.
c. Create **hySpc.read.txt**'s documentation.
d. Install package **hySpc.read.txt**.
# Do not abort installation even if some packages are not available
# Install packages remotes and devtools
install.packages(c("remotes", "devtools"))
# Install hySpc.read.txt's dependencies
remotes::install_deps(dependencies = TRUE)
# Create hySpc.read.txt's documentation
# Install package hySpc.read.txt
devtools::install(build_vignettes = TRUE)
**NOTE 1:**
Usually, "Windows" users need to download, install and properly configure **Rtools** (see [these instructions](https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/)) to make the code above work.
For Developers
Developers can find information about automatic deployment from this repo to pkg-repo