r-publishing / rpub-mono

Monorepo for RPublishing
Apache License 2.0
2 stars 2 forks source link

Monorepo for RPublishing

This is an official repository for RPublishing Cooperative. It contains the following apps and packages:

Installation and building

Note: If you're developing on Windows, we recommend using WSL2 instead with Ubuntu 20.04.

nvm install v16.13.1
nvm use v16.13.1
npm install --global yarn
mkdir ~/.pkg-cache
mkdir ~/.pkg-cache/v2.6

wget https://github.com/vercel/pkg-fetch/releases/download/v3.2/node-v16.13.0-linux-x64 -O fetched-v16.13.0-linux-x64
sudo mv fetched-v16.13.0-linux-x64 ~/.pkg-cache/v2.6

wget https://github.com/vercel/pkg-fetch/releases/download/v3.2/node-v16.13.0-macos-x64 -O fetched-v16.13.0-macos-x64
sudo mv fetched-v16.13.0-macos-x64 ~/.pkg-cache/v2.6

wget https://github.com/vercel/pkg-fetch/releases/download/v3.2/node-v16.13.0-win-x64 -O fetched-v16.13.0-win-x64
sudo mv fetched-v16.13.0-win-x64 ~/.pkg-cache/v2.6
sudo apt-get install libfuse-dev

Note: Make sure to only target even versions of nodejs, as the patching process is not compatible with odd versions.

Alternatively you can clone using SSH if you have already setup public key authentication on Github:

git clone --recurse-submodules -j4 git@github.com:/r-publishing/rpub-mono.git
cd rpub-mono


yarn build

Once you run "yarn build", which can take quite a bit of time at first, you'll see the following new artifacts:

Note: You might see a few errors and warnings, at least at this early stage of development, but shouldn't impact the releases from being built.

Build for mobile (coming soon)

To build all apps for Android and (#soon) iOS, we recommend using AppFlow, but you can easily build for Android if you have Android SDK installed. If you have Android SDK installed, you can run the following command:

npx cap sync android

Then open the Android Studio project located in "android" folder and build the project as you normally would.


yarn dev

For development all you have to do is to run "yarn dev" and it should start all the rpojects
