r-ss / foldwrap_backend

backend part of my Foldwrap project
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authentication fastapi mongodb pydantic redis tests

Foldwrap backend


  1. Rename .env.example with test/fake credentials to .env:

    mv .env.example .env
  2. Run mongo and redis:

    docker-compose -f docker-compose-4testing.yml up -d --build
  3. Install dependencies

    poetry install
  4. Create 3 test-users to properly pass tests

    poetry run pytest -vrP src/tests/manual_create_test_users.py
  5. Run tests:

    make test
    poetry run pytest -vrP src/tests/
  6. Run server:

    make serve
    poetry run uvicorn main:app --port 5005 --app-dir src --reload
  7. Explore API endpoints:

About project

This is only the backend part of Foldwrap project, which also have:

Currently whole project have about 15k lines of my shitty code:

cloc . --exclude-dir=node_modules,dist,figma_tests_assets,.ruff_cache,.env,.pytest_cache,.nuxt,.output,logs,Makefile,testing_assets,mount,trash,Dockerfile --exclude-ext=svg,lockb,sh,ini,txt,toml

274 text files.
227 unique files.
216 files ignored.

Language                     files          blank        comment           code
Vuejs Component                 43           1616            715           4168
JavaScript                      59           1692           1696           3880
Python                          78           1438            933           2978
SCSS                            10            692            420           1777
HTML                             6            139             26            690
JSON                            13              3              0            437
Markdown                        12            186              5            326
YAML                             5             48            112            284
TypeScript                       1              2             14             34
SUM:                           227           5816           3921          14574