r002 / captains-log

Over the years, I've toiled away many nights & weekends on various pet projects; each always with its own repo, theme, and urls. Well, no more! Moving forward, all experimentations now live here! 😄
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Captain's Log

"Bring explicit intentionality into your life." \ Started: Thu - 3/18/21

npm init \ npm install eslint --save-dev \ npx eslint --init

Set up an upstream remote.

git remote add upstream https://github.com/ORIGINAL_OWNER/ORIGINAL_REPOSITORY.git

Reset my fork to be up-to-date with original repo.

git reset --hard upstream/master

To hard-pull from HEAD and overwrite all local files.

git fetch \ git reset --hard origin/main \ git reset --hard upstream/master

Git commands

git log origin/main..HEAD \ git remote -v

Firebase Commands

firebase emulators:start --only "auth,firestore" --import=data\multi-users --export-on-exit=data\saved_data \ firebase emulators:start --only hosting \ firebase deploy --only hosting \ firebase deploy --only functions \ firebase emulators:export data\multi-users

$> netstat -ano | findstr :8080
$> taskkill /PID <PID> /F
$> dir env:

Misc Links

Project Motivation

Several motivations inspired and drove this project.

First: I've always been a big fan of the "self-quantification movement." I own a Fitbit and enjoy seeing granular metrics on everything I do: Sleep, exercise, etc. But Fitbit alone was insufficient. I wanted to know how much time I spent eating, brushing my teeth, running errands, etc.

Second: I wanted a good project with which to learn React with hooks and what webdev looks like nowadays in 2021. Webpack, ESLint, TypeScript, Firebase preview channels, the whole nine yards. My previous knowledge on the webdev front was horribly outdated. Also: Tests, design patterns, Git. It was high time to get caught up.

Finally, realistically though, what really drove this project: My wife, honest to God, bugs me probably once a week that "I don't spend enough time with her." And that: "I love my computer and spend more time with it than I love her." Utter baloney. With this app, I now finally have hard, cold data to show The Wife that, "See? We did visit the park four times last week!" and "I spent an aggregate total of hours minutes with you last month watching Netflix, going out for walks, and eating."

Data and technology to the rescue! 😀