Mesh geometry tools. Several commands can be chained together, with the same operation
appearing many times in the same command line. They are processed sequentially.
In Linux, you may need to install the freeglut3 and libmesa libraries first:
apt-get update
apt install freeglut3-dev
apt install mesa-common-dev
I/O commands |
Description |
-iformat format_name |
Force input format (needs to precede imesh) |
-oformat format_name |
Force output format (needs to precede omesh) |
-i filename |
Input file (also accepts -imesh) |
-o filename |
Output file (also accepts -omesh) |
-odata filename |
Output data |
Geometry measurement |
Description |
-absgi |
Compute absolute gyrification index |
-area |
Surface area |
-checkOrientation |
Check that normals point outside |
-centre |
Move the mesh's barycentre to the origin |
-euler |
Print Euler characteristic |
-foldLength |
Compute total fold length |
-size |
Display mesh dimensions |
-tris |
Display number of triangles |
-verts |
Display number of vertices |
-volume |
Compute mesh volume |
-curv |
Compute curvature |
-depth |
Compute sulcal depth |
-areaMap |
Compute surface area per vertex |
-icurv number_of_iterations |
Integrated curvature (warning: icurv changes the geometry of the mesh) |
-isolatedVerts |
Count the number of isolated vertices in the mesh |
Geometry modification |
Description |
-add filename |
Add mesh at filename to the current mesh |
-average n_meshes path1 path2 ... pathn |
Compute an average of n_meshes all of the same topology |
-barycentricProjection reference_mesh |
Print barycentric coordinates for each vertex in reference_mesh |
-fixFlip |
Detect flipped triangles and fix them |
-fixSmall |
Detect triangles with an angle >160 |
-flip |
Flip normals degrees and fix them |
-laplaceSmooth lambda number_of_iterations |
Laplace smoothing |
-level level_value |
Adds new vertices (and triangles) to the edges that cross level_value in the vertex data (f.ex., mean curvature) |
-normalise |
Place all vertices at distance 1 from the origin |
-randverts number_of_vertices |
Generate homogeneously distributedrandom vertices over the mesh |
-relax filename |
Relax current mesh to mesh at filename (both meshes have the same topology) |
-resample smooth_mesh reference_mesh |
Resample the mesh to match the vertices and the topology of the argument mesh |
-removeIsolatedVerts |
Removes isolated vertices in the mesh (if present) |
-rotate x y z |
Rotate with angles x, y and z (in degrees) |
-scale scale_value |
Multiply each vertex by 'scale' |
-sortTriangles |
Sort the triangles in the mesh file along the x axis |
-stereographic |
Stereographic projection |
-subdivide |
Subdivide the mesh with one iteration of Kobbelt's sqrt(3) algorithm |
-taubinSmooth lambda mu number_of_iterations |
Taubin Smoothing |
-translate x y z |
Translate mesh by x, y, and z. |
-lissencephalic |
Smooth valleys and hills, not the coast |
-normal |
Mesh normal vectors |
Data measurement |
Description |
-countClusters value |
Count clusters in texture data |
-max |
Maximum data value |
-mean |
Mean data value |
-min |
Minimum data value |
Data modification |
Description |
-addVal |
Add value data |
-subVal |
Subtract value from data |
-multVal |
Multiply data time value |
-divVal |
Divide data by value |
-clip min max |
Clip data values to the interval [min,max]\n\ |
-smoothData lambda number_of_iterations |
Laplace smoothing of data, lambda=0 -> no smoothing, lambda=1 -> each vertex value to neighbour's average |
-threshold value 0:down/1:up |
Threshold texture data |
Other |
Description |
-drawSurface colourmap path |
draw surface in tiff format, colormap is 'grey' or 'rainbow' |
-v |
Verbose mode |
-h |
Help |
Meshgeometry can read and write several formats, based on the file extension:
Extension |
Description |
.orig, .pial, .white, .inflated, .sphere, .reg |
Freesurfer meshes |
.curv, .sulc, .sratio |
Freesurfer data |
.mesh |
BrainVisa mesh |
.txt |
RT's mesh plain text format |
.float |
Raw float data |
.txt1 |
RT's data format |
.bin |
n-e-r-v-o-u-s system web binary mesh |
.wrl, .obj, .ply, .stl, .smesh, .off, .vtk, .gii |
Other mesh formats |