New dashboard for OpenStack using angularjs talking (almost) directly to the APIs.
A very quick presentation was given at the 2014 OpenStack Summit to Horizon developers
Note: requires python3 (3.4 is recommended)
To set up, first install the following as per your operating system:
And then:
git clone
cd angboard
tox -e grunt -- serve --keystone-url=<URL to keystone>
This installs all the packages in the packages.json
file (using npm), the
file (using bower) and the requirements.txt
(using pip).
The keystone URL should be for your OpenStack installation. For example:
tox -e grunt -- serve --keystone-url=
This will open Chrome (or whatever) to view the site, assuming you did all
that on the same machine that you use as your browsing system. If it was not,
then manually open a browser connection to port 9000 on the system you ran
grunt serve
Install the "live reload" browser extension / plugin and you'll see your changes LIVE when you make and save them to disk. Very premium.
If you have an issue with the Flask proxy attempting to run on an already-
used port, you may also specify --proxy-port
to grunt serve
to change to
a different port.
Keep an eye on the "grunt serve" window - it'll beep when you violate the Javascript style guide.
This repository contains two applications:
The angboard application has a structure created by the angularjs generator at For some background on how yoeman works, this is a nice introduction though it uses a different generator: Note that the "yo angular:controller" and similar commands produce something very nearly suitable - you'll still need to make some changes to satisfy the code linting.
API Services are supported through a pair of a controller and a number of views.
angboard components and documentation
The minification used in our build tool includes ngmin
support so you don't
need to manually include the DI minification hacks usually needed in
AngularJS applications. This means that instead of having to write this::
app.service('cinder', ['apiService', '$q'], function cinder(apiService, $q) {
we can just write this::
app.service('cinder', function cinder(apiService, $q) {
In many views, we hook fetching this data into the route resolution (using the resolve property) so it's loaded before we switch route to the new page. This results in less strange variation in loaded pages as data comes in and also allows nicer sharing of the fetch functionality between uses. For example, in cinder::
$routeProvider.when('/cinder/volumes', {
controller: 'CinderVolumesCtrl',
templateUrl: 'views/cinder_volumes.html',
resolve: {
volumes: function (cinder) {return cinder.volumes(false); }
The volumes data will be loaded before the routing switches view to the new page.
The fauxstack proxy is intentionally very thin and should have as little knowledge about APIs as possible built into it. The keystone service catalog is the one exception since it needs to know about that to perform the proxied API calls.
The proxy maps using service endpoint names, allowing exposure of all of the compute APIs, for example. The URL structure exposed by the proxy is:
The publicURL for the service_name / region is looked up in the service catalog, and the call is made using:
If there's more than one endpoint per region then we just choose the first at the moment; using multiple is outside the scope of this prototype.
Tools used in maintenance of this application:
bower is used to install and update components. It is written in the node.js programming language, but we don't need to worry about that. Two operations that might be needed are:
Installing a new component to use in the application. This is done using:
bower install
The "-S" adds the component to the bower.json file so it's installed when "bower install" is invoked with no arguments. Good for deployment to a new environment.
When a new Javascript or CSS component is installed, you should check that it is included in the appropriate index.html section. Usually this should happen automatically.
You will almost certainly also need to manually add the new JS files to the karma test configuration in test/karma.con.js or it will fall about laughing.
Updating a component:
bower update
grunt is used as a task management tool. It has a number of tasks defined,
all invokable as grunt serve
or grunt build
and so on:
the application to a browser (also performs a watch
and will
additionally play well with liveReload
if you have that installed in your
the application for deployment, minifying (HTML, CSS and JS),
cdn'ing, uglifying and so on and putting everything in the "dist" directorytest
to run the test suite under karma
(using mocha
and chai
for changes in the codebase and take action like compile the CSS
source files using less
, or re-run tests. It's automatically included in
but if you want automatic re-runnning of tests when you make
changes and aren't using serve
then grunt watch
is for you.In addition to jshint (which picks up on some potential code errors) we also use jslint to enforce a more strict coding style. It is fired automatically by "grunt watch" (checking application code as it changes) and "grunt test" (only checking the tests when they're run).
There are some configuration settings baked into grunt's run:
browser: true, // assume the code is running in a browser
predef: ['angular', 'document'],
indent: 2, // 2-space indentation
vars: true, // allow multiple var statements in a function
'continue': true, // allow use of "continue" keyword in loops (wat)
plusplus: true // allow auto-increment (seriously)
If you really need to squash an "unused parameter" message (most likely because Javascipt doesn't have keyword argument support) then you can surround a block of code with:
/*jslint unparam: true*/
... code with unused parameter ...
/*jslint unparam: false*/
menu as variable, not service
server actions list as variable
investigate fully external packages extending functionality
fix the menu
cover off the OWASP top 10 (at a minimum) where possible/appropriate
perhaps investigate angular strap vs ui-bootstrap
region selection
handle multiple endpoints per region
investigate caching mechanisms
look into further work refactoring fetching of API data (partial work done in nova)
use itsdangerous to obscure the x-auth-token cookie?
Specific areas of security that have been addressed:
A bunch of angularjs modules for table support have been tried:
Currently using smart-table.