r2d2bzh / docker-build-nodejs

Development and production Docker images for your NodeJS based application
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:icons: font :source-highlighter: highlightjs

:esbuild: https://github.com/evanw/esbuild :sea: https://nodejs.org/api/single-executable-applications.html

= NodeJS image builder

Developing NodeJS applications can be challenging, dockerizing them for production use adds another layer of complexity as only the application's functional scope should be provided by the production image.

docker-build-nodejs helps in building a production image that is reduced to the application's functional scope.

In order to do this, docker-build-nodejs relies on:


The following sections detail how these different Docker images can be used to embed a NodeJS application.

Particular details are given about docker-compose usage, the steps described in these compose sections are optional. You can bypass them if you do not want to use docker-compose.

But you will still have to read these sections in order to get a better understanding of how to use the images.

== Images provided

This repository mainly builds three Docker images.

The docker-build-nodejs-devenv image is provided to ease the building of a Docker image tailored for development.

The two other images are designed as a mean to build production Docker images embedding a NodeJS based application:

== Using a dockerized development environment

The goal is to ensure the usage of predictable versions of commands such as npm or node. To do this, a development Docker container providing the necessary versions of these tools is started. One key point is that all these tools need to be started by a user with the same user and group identifiers as the ones used by the developer on its host.

=== Creating a https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/[Dockerfile]

You will have to provide a Dockerfile with at least the following line:

.Dockerfile.dev [source, Dockerfile]

FROM ghcr.io/r2d2bzh/docker-build-nodejs-devenv:dev

IMPORTANT: Replace the tag dev with a tag delivered on the https://github.com/r2d2bzh/docker-build-nodejs[r2d2bzh/docker-build-nodejs project].

=== Creating a https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/[docker-compose file]

This docker-compose.yml file will help to easily build and start the development container.

It should contain something close to the following:

.docker-compose.yml [source, YAML]

dev: build: context: dev args: USER: ${LOGNAME} UID: ${UID} GID: ${GID} volumes:


Most of the time the UID variable is already defined by your shell but is not exported. GID must be the numeric identifier of your user default group. USER can also be defined if you need to change the username for whatever reason, it can be for instance set to ${LOGNAME} in the compose file as this is the POSIX variable containing the host's user login name.


..profile [source, sh]

export UID export GID=$(id -g)


=== Starting and using the development environment

To start the development environment simply issue the following command:

[source, Bash]

docker-compose up -d dev

You can now use any NodeJS related command within the container as you would do it directly in the project by prefixing it with docker-compose exec dev, for instance:


docker-compose exec dev npm install

TIP: You can define a shell alias to avoid typing the whole command each time (alias ded=docker-compose exec dev to be able to type ded npm install) but beware that you will lose the completion provided for the docker-compose command.

== Embedding a NodeJS application

Embedding a NodeJS application is necessary to provide a production Docker image which guarantees that no other command than the application itself can be started in a container based on this image. In particular, no shell is available within such a container.

=== Creating a https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/[Dockerfile]

You will have to provide a Dockerfile with at least the following two lines:

.Dockerfile [source, Dockerfile]

FROM ghcr.io/r2d2bzh/docker-build-nodejs-builder:dev as builder COPY --chown=user . /project RUN /build.sh FROM ghcr.io/r2d2bzh/docker-build-nodejs-runtime:dev COPY --chown=user --from=builder /tmp/service /service ENTRYPOINT [ "/service" ] COPY --chown=user ./resources /resources

IMPORTANT: Replace the tag dev with a tag delivered on the https://github.com/r2d2bzh/docker-build-nodejs[r2d2bzh/docker-build-nodejs project].

This Dockerfile should be located at the root of your NodeJS project or at least in a folder containing all the source code of the NodeJS application.

You can optionally add additional Dockerfile commands, it is at least recommended to document the port the NodeJS application is listening on (if the NodeJS application offers such a port):

.Dockerfile [source, Dockerfile]

FROM ghcr.io/r2d2bzh/docker-build-nodejs-builder:dev as builder COPY --chown=user . /project RUN /build.sh FROM ghcr.io/r2d2bzh/docker-build-nodejs-runtime:dev COPY --chown=user --from=builder /tmp/service /service ENTRYPOINT [ "/service" ] COPY --chown=user ./resources /resources EXPOSE 8080

WARNING: Do not modify the entry point of the Docker image with ENTRYPOINT as the default entry point is already the application executable.

WARNING: Use the same tag for both FROM instructions as both builder and runtime images are closely related.

=== Specifying the application's main module

By default {esbuild}[esbuild] will be passed index.js as the main module of the application to embed. If the application main module is not index.js, simply set the main build argument to the right path of the main module:


test-simple: build: context: test/simple args: main: simple.js

=== Building the Docker image

Once the Dockerfile is available, you can at least operate a test build with the following command:

[source, Bash]

cd docker build -t .

Once the build succeeds, the image can be tested:

[source, Bash]

docker run --rm -it

TIP: Do not forget to https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/run/#publish-or-expose-port--p---expose[publish the port] your application is listening on to operate some requests from your development platform.

=== Building the Docker image with a compose file

To avoid repeating on and on the same docker build command with all its arguments, you might want to create a docker-compose.yml file detailing this data, i.e.:

.docker-compose.yml [source, YAML]

services: production: image: build: context:

Once the compose file is available, simply issue the command docker-compose build production to build the image. You can also push this new image to a registry with docker-compose push production as long as the image tag refers to a location on this registry.

=== Native modules

Automatic native modules bundling {esbuild}/issues/1051[might sometimes fail] for various reasons. The main reason is most of the time because the files to bundle {esbuild}/issues/1051#issuecomment-807732496[cannot be inferred by esbuild].

In these particular cases, follow the instructions provided in the console where the build was operated:

.excerpt from builder/bundle/index.js [source, javascript]

console.warn('/!\ Some node modules were automatically externalized'); console.warn('If one of these modules can still NOT be loaded:'); console.warn(' - add the module name in your package.json file under { esbuildOptions: { external: [...] } }'); console.warn(' - add the module COPY line provided in the following list at the end of your Dockerfile');

The console then displays the list of externalized modules and the Dockerfile COPY lines to use.

The test/sharp test case of this repository follows this advice for sharp:

.package.json [source,json]

{ ... "esbuildOptions": { "external": ["sharp"] }, ... }

.Dockerfile [source,dockerfile]

FROM ghcr.io/r2d2bzh/docker-build-nodejs-builder:dev as builder COPY --chown=user . /project RUN /build.sh FROM ghcr.io/r2d2bzh/docker-build-nodejs-runtime:dev COPY --chown=user --from=builder /tmp/service /service COPY --from=builder /project/node_modules/ ./node_modules/ ENTRYPOINT [ "/service" ]