r4ksai / .dotfiles

Custom Dotfiles
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A repository that contains dotfiles for :



You do not have to backup your current dotfiles, This will prefix your current dotfiles with .backup

For mac users You'll need to add brew environment variables and brew bins to path in.zprofile or run the command below echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> ~/.zprofile

You need to add Dracula theme to the terminal manually Download it from https://draculatheme.com

Only linking

Use this only to link dotfiles, this does not contain installation

To only link the dotfiles run the installation script and choose linking option

Package Installation

To install Packages run the installation script and choose install

Install Font to support Icons

For this to take effect you need to change the terminal font to the installed font

Install Plugins for Vim or Nvim

To install plugins using plugin manager run :PlugInstall inside vim or neovim

Remove dotfiles

To remove dotfiles run the script and select the option to clean