r4sharma / CSE210_Group6

This is the project repository for team 6
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AppTrak (CSE210_Group6)

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Features of AppTrak
  3. Technology Architecture
  4. Database Design
  5. Testing Strategies
  6. Development standards
  7. Steps to Run the Project
  8. Steps to Use the App
  9. Relevant Documents
  10. Owners


Every year, students from various fields of study apply for internships and jobs. However, keeping track of the applications and their status gets cumbersome in an Excel sheet, looking something like:


This usually results in students abandoning their efforts to keep track of their progress, often leading to missed deadlines and poor planning. This overall hinders the student learning experience and adds to their frustration.

To tackle this problem, we propose a solution –

AppTrak - A local first and single-user web app that saves us from the excel sheet management mess and allows us to declutter our application tracking and make it easier.


Features of AppTrak

The application is local first: when the Internet does not work, events can still be read, created, deleted, updated through the application

Through our discussions with the stakeholders, we were suggested additional requirements. We could implement some of them while had classify some of them as out of scope(Allow Duplicates, No Login).

Technology Architecture


AppTrak is Front-end only web application with both client-side rendering and server-side rendering. Server-side rendering is run once when the initial page is loaded. Then, the UI change is rendered on client-side based on user interaction.


Database Design

Name Type Mandatory Max chars Default
Card Id Alphanumeric Y(Primary Key) 200 chars
Job Id Alphanumeric N 200 chars
Company Name String Y 200 chars
Date Date Y NA
Last Updated Date Date Automatic-System Date NA
Job Type Enum (FullTime, PartTime, Internship) Y FullTime
Job Role String N 500 chars
Status Enum (Applied, InProgress, Offer, Reject) Y Applied
Description String N 5000 chars

Testing Strategies

Use Jest as TestingFramework

In conclusion, Jest is a better choice becasue it is easy to get started with and doesn’t require learning a new syntax

Use Selenium as UI Testing

While unit tests are able to determine whether the code is fit to use, it isn't able to simulate user interaction with the software or project. Thus we have used Selenium, an open source browser automation tool that helps us in writing tests that simulate the dynamic changes in the HTML caused by user interaction. This would allow the developer to write tests with regards to HTML elements and check whether the application exhibits the expected behaviour from the user's perspective. Selenium can be used for multiple browsers, and in this project the tests are written in Python and simulated on Google Chrome. Further justification for utilizing Selenium can be found on this page

In this project these tests are grouped together in the folder called e2e_testing. We understand that it is impractical to expect the developers to install the libraries required to run the tests manually. But we do operate under the assumption that the developer has installed Python correctly, which means that the library setuptools is available as a default library, similar to how the more known os library is. The presence of this library enables us to write the code that checks whether the required libraries are present, and installs them automatically if they aren't.

Moving on to the execution of the tests, we have created a new Selenium test for each functionality. If the developer is working in the root directory, then they can execute the individual test by typing the following command in the terminal: python e2e_testing/test_file_name.py where test_file_name.py refers to the name of the test file present in the directory. For example, to execute the test for inserting an application, we type python e2e_testing/selenium_insert_test.py in the terminal.

However, there might be instances where a developer wishes to run a single file that executes all the other tests. For this, the developer can execute the following command in the terminal: python e2e_testing/selenium_all_tests.py which executes each test one after the other. If a developer creates a new test file called new_test.py and wants this to run together with other tests, then they need to add the following code at the bottom of selenium_all_tests.py: os.system("python " + tests_directory_path + "new_test.py")

The modified selenium_all_tests.py file will then look like this:

os.system("python " + tests_directory_path + "test1.py")
os.system("python " + tests_directory_path + "test2.py")
os.system("python " + tests_directory_path + "new_test.py")

Thus, the developer can now use the python e2e_testing/selenium_all_tests.py command in the terminal to run the entire test suite which now includes the Selenium test file they created.

Development standards

Throughout the development of the project, we established and followed high standards of development. This helped greatly in managing complexity and prevented things getting out of hand.

Steps to Run the Project

  1. Clone this project (or a fork of this project)

    git clone https://github.com/r4sharma/CSE210_Group6.git

  2. Open the repository in a terminal

    cd CSE210_Group6

  3. Install node modules

    npm install

    If you wish to only use the app (and not make changes/run tests), you can skip to step 9.

  4. To run unit tests

    npm run test

  5. To run integration tests

    python e2e_testing/selenium_all_tests.py

  6. To run lint check

    npm run lint

  7. To fix lint errors (if any)

    npm run lint-fix

  8. Compile the JSDoc

    npm run doc

  9. Build the project

    npm run build

  10. Start the application by opening src/index.html in a browser

  11. Access the JSDoc by opening docs/jsdoc/index.html in a browser

  12. Repeat steps 4 to 9 after any changes to the application

Note : Our app is tested and developed in Google Chrome as of now.

Steps to use the App

  1. Add Application - The steps to add an application are as follows:

    • Click on the Add Applications Button on the main page of the app.
    • Add Application Form will appear to add all the details of new application.
    • After adding all required details, hit Save button.
    • The new application card will appear pertaining to the application added.
  2. Edit Application - The steps to edit an application are as follows:

    • Go to the Application card of the application to be edited and click on the Edit button of that particular card.
    • Edit Modal will pop up with all the details of the current application populated.
    • Edit the required details and hit the Save button.
    • The last updated date field will be automatically updated based on the last change made to the application.
    • View the changed application in the application card.
  3. Delete Application - Go to the Application card of the application to be edited and click on the Delete button of that particular card. The corresponding application will be deleted from all application cards after confimation of delete from delete modal.

  4. View Statistics - On top of the main page, we can view the count of applications in different stages of application tracking to be aware of our application progress.

  5. Export Applications - To export all the applications into a CSV file for ease of access, there is an Export button on the top right corner of the main page, which will generate and download the exported CSV file.

Note : Our app is tested and developed in Google Chrome as of now.

Relevant Documents


This project is created by:

Please reach out in case of queries.