r4wd3r / Suborner

MIT License
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Suborner: The Invisible Account Forger

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What's this?

A simple program to create a Windows account you will only know about :)

Create an invisible machine account with administrative privileges, and without invoking that annoying Windows Event Logger to report its creation!

Where can I see more?

Released at Black Hat USA 2022: Suborner: A Windows Bribery for Invisible Persistence

How can I use this?



Download the latest release and pwn!


 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  .d88888b.                  S U B O R N E R
 d88P 88"88b
 Y88b.88        The Invisible Account Forger
 "Y88888b.                        by @r4wd3r
      88"88b                          v1.0.1
 Y88b 88.88P
  "Y88888P"               https://r4wsec.com
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


    A stealthy tool to create invisible accounts on Windows systems.


    USERNAME: Username for the new suborner account. Default = <HOSTNAME>$
    Syntax: /username:[string]

    PASSWORD: Password for the new suborner account. Default = Password.1
    Syntax: /password:[string]

    RID: RID for the new suborner account. Default = Next RID available
    Syntax: /rid:[decimal int]

    RIDHIJACK: RID of the account to impersonate. Default = 500 (Administrator)
    Syntax: /ridhijack:[decimal int]

    TEMPLATE: RID of the account to use as template for the new account creation. Default = 500 (Administrator)
    Syntax: /template:[decimal int]

    MACHINEACCOUNT: Forge as machine account for extra stealthiness. Default = yes
    Syntax: /machineaccount:[yes/no]

    DEBUG: Enable debug mode for verbose logging. Default = disabled
    Syntax: /debug


This attack would not have been possible without the great research done by:

What's next?

~Hack~ Suborn the planet!