raburton / rboot-sample

Sample ESP 8266 SDK project demonstrating rBoot OTA
MIT License
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This is a sample project to show how to build roms for use with rBoot and how to perform an OTA update. You can use rboot-ota.c & rboot-ota.h to add OTA support to your own projects. There is also some commented out code in rboot_ota_start that shows how to write non-rom files to arbitrary location on flash (e.g. for data or embedded filesystems).

To compile

1) If you haven't already compiled rBoot do that first. 2) You will also need a compiled copy of esptool2. 3) Symlink or copy rboot.h, rboot-api.h and rboot-api.c in to this directory. 4) Edit the Makefile to set the paths to the SDK and esptool2. 5) Set WIFI_SSID & WIFI_PWD as env vars or in the makefile. 6) Set OTA server details in rboot-ota.h 7) Flash, as below. 8) Connect a terminal and type 'help'.

All the above are available from GitHub: https://github.com/raburton

Once built simply flash with something like this: esptool.py --port COM2 write_flash -fs 8m 0x00000 rboot.bin 0x02000 rom0.bin 0x82000 rom1.bin 0xfc000 blank4.bin

Tested with SDK v2.2 on an ESP12 (if using a board with less than 1mb of flash a change to the second linker script (rom1.ld) will be required).