rachaelbabister / blush-bakes-blog

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Welcome to the Recipe Blog by Blush Bakes by Rach. Utilising the existing branding and style from my business website, I've built this blog with a focus on elegant simplicity, wanting to share my baking passion with a wider audience.

Using a combination of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python using the Django framework, this blog offers a responsive experience across all devices, whether on your desktop, tablet, or phone - the content is easy to navigate and visually appealing.

As a visitor to the site, you'll find a range of different baking recipes, ranging from cakes and cupcakes to biscuits and brownies. There is a link to register for an account, enabling you to engage with the community by commenting on recipes and sharing your own baking experiences.

One of the highlights of this blog is the ability to save your favourite recipes directly to your profile, giving easy access to the recipes later.

Blush Bakes by Rach Recipe Blog shown on a range of devices, using amiresponsive(https://ui.dev/amiresponsive)


You can view the live site here.


You can view the GitHub code pages here.


User Experience (UX)

User Stories

Blush Bakes by Rach is a company run by cake artist, Rachael Babister. This website is dedicated to sharing delightful baking recipes, whether you're a seasoned baker or just starting out, you'll find an array of mouth-watering recipes for cakes, cupcakes, biscuits, brownies, and more. Rachael wants to share her recipes with the baking community, enabling users to comment and share their experiences with the recipes, as well as saving their favourites to their profile page to come back to them at a later date.

Client Goals

First Time Visitor Goals

Returning Visitor Goals

Frequent Visitor Goals

Agile Methodology

Before work started on the build of the website, I created a Board of User Stories to determine exactly what was needed. Using the MoSCoW method, it was much easier to implement each issue based on their priority rather than trying to get everything completed. My User Story Board can be viewed here.


Colour Scheme

The colour scheme for the website came from the colours that were used in the main Blush Bakes by Rach website.

Blush Bakes by Rach colour palette


Google Fonts used by Blush Bakes by Rach

Font Awesome is also used for the 'back to top' arrow on the website and the comments icon.


The type of imagery used on the website is all photography. The logo was designed by me, and the main header photo was taken by myself. The recipe photos have been taken from Google search and are referenced in Credits.


Before implementing the website, I created Wireframes for each page using Balsamiq. You can access them here.

Data Models

Various data models were drawn out before creating the actual models, to serve as a blueprint for database design, helping with concepts and organisation of the structure of a database.

Blush Bakes by Rach Data Models


Recipe Posts:


User Profile:

Contact Page:


Website Security

env.py File

Defensive Programming

Input Validation

User Feedback


General features

Blush Bakes by Rach Recipe Blog shown on a range of devices, using amiresponsive(https://ui.dev/amiresponsive)

Home Page


NavBar - Logged in

NavBar - Categories


Home Page Main Content

Home Page Main Content

Home Page Pagination


User Account

Sign Up

Sign In

Profile Delete Favourites

Flash Messages Flash Messages

Sign Out

Recipe Posts

Recipe Header

Recipe Details

Heart Icon

Comments Manage Comments

Category View

Category List

Future Implementations


I have tried to ensure the site has been made as accessible as possible by:

Technologies & Frameworks

Main Technologies

Frameworks, Libraries & Programs Used


Environment & Settings

Deploying to Heroku

Local Development

How to Fork

To fork a repository on Github, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Github - or step up a new account.
  2. Click on the repository name.
  3. Click the Fork button in the top right corner.

How to Clone

To clone a repository on Github, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Github - or step up a new account.
  2. Find or create your repository.
  3. Click on the code button, select whether you would like to clone with HTTPS, SSH or GitHub CLI and copy the link shown.
  4. Open the terminal in your code editor and change the current working directory to the location you want to use for the cloned directory.
  5. Type 'git clone' into the terminal and paste the link you copied in step 3. Press enter.


I continually tested the site throughout the build process and fixed any issues that didn't work straight away.

Testing and bug fixes can be found in the file below.

TESTING.md file


Code Used / Help Resources


The recipes were created by ChatGPT in the form of a JSON file for easy importing into the database, rather than hard coding all the recipe details in.


The logo was designed by myself, and the header strip photo was taken by me. Icons used on the site are Font Awesome.

Recipe Card Images


I wouldn't have been able to complete this project without the help of the Slack Community. Special mention to Craig Hudson who stayed up until 2am working through some code issues with me!

Code Institute Tutor Support: Sean helped me when my database messed up, and John helped sort my JavaScript/Bootstrap issues which had caused all sorts to stop working just at the point of getting close to submission.

Code Institue Student Support for their help and understanding when I needed an extension for this project due to personal life blocks.

To my friends, who I am constantly asking to check over my website when they have their stuff to do!

And apologies to my daughters who have had to eat microwave meals all week whilst I get this project finished!