rachitavya / crops_webpages_scrapper

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Illustrated Technical Books PDF scrapper and downloader

  1. Download the dependencies: pip install beautifulsoup4 requests
  2. Run pdf_books_scrapper.py file and the downloading will start python3 pdf_books_scrapper
  3. Output PDFs will be stored in output/books_pdf/ folder.


This is an under development scrapper repository where I am using python to scrap information from this link.

Steps to run the scrapper:

For PDF Output

  1. Open terminal and run this command to install all the required dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Run main.py python3 main.py
  3. Check the output pdf files for every crop in output/rabi_crops_pdf folder

For JSON Output

  1. Put your OpenAI API key in a .env file
  2. Run rabi_crops_scrapper.py python3 python rabi_crops_scrapper.py
  3. Check the output pdf files for every crop in output/rabi_crops_json folder